- The Cranky Samaritan, 28 Jul 2012
- Stop Politicizing Massacres: It’s the Mental Illness, 22 Jul 2012
- “The Government did that for you”?, 20 Jul 2012
- Iran’s Chicken problem: It’s the Food Stupid, 17 Jul 2012
- FrankenBananas!?, 15 Jul 2012
- Stonewall’s Arm and Sickle’s Leg, 04 Jul 2012
- The Health Care bill Reality Check, 03 Jul 2012
No, I didn't watch the Olympic opening but here are some links to folks who did:
Dave Barry on the Olympics. and Governor Romney's gaffe:
(the Governor) expressed some mild concerns about the level of Olympic preparedness.------------------------------------
The British press was deeply offended. This is pretty funny when you consider that the same British press has spent months and months loudly and repeatedly expressing grave concerns about the level of Olympic preparedness. But when Mitt did it, the Brits were outraged, outraged. Many journalists took time out from questioning Britain’s Olympic preparedness to declare that Mitt was an idiot for questioning Britain’s Olympic preparedness.
GetReligion covers the Olympics.
The writer, like I did, thought that Tolkien was missing at the Olympics, but got this tweet back:
“There was no C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkein”-------------------
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, did we both watch the same opening ceremony? Yes, there was no C.S. Lewis, but did you not see the Lord of the Rings? The green shire dissappears, Isengard staring at me, with those smoking chimneys and the Ring is forged!! Tolkein was all over it.
This article cleverly said in words what I was thinking!
Screenwriter Roger L Simon's take at PJMedia.
Death panel link of the day:
For years the Philippines has sent the US nurses and doctors: now the US is outsourcing paper work here:
WASHINGTON — After years of shipping data-processing, accounting and other back-office work abroad, some healthcare companies are starting to shift clinical services and decision-making on medical care overseas, primarily to India and the Philippines.No quick: tell me how someone 10 thousand miles away three years of nursing education can be better at 'assessing" your needs and how you should be treated than the doc who has 8 years of schooling and 3-6 years post graduate training and just spent a half hour or more examining you?
Some of the jobs being sent abroad include so-called pre-service nursing, where nurses at insurance firms, for example, help assess patient needs and determine treatment methods.
The answer is she can't: She will use a checklist to make the decision.
But cheer up: at least you aren't in the UK....
WHAT THE CHICK-FIL-A BROUHAHA says about the future of religious freedom.
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