Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stuff below the fold

Anti Obama care rally in Arkansas attacked...yawn you say? Ah, but it was actually a prayer rally, and they were saying the rosary.

Huh? I didn't know there were many Catholics in that Bible Belt state..(there aren' here.)

Orphanage study shows deprivation makes the brain develop poorly.

Yes, a classic study after WWII showed the same thing...but this time they prove it with brain scans.
Hell freezes over article of the day: Sir Elton John praises Bush.

“We’ve seen George W. Bush and conservative American politicians pledge tens of billions to save the lives of Africans with HIV. Think of all the love. Think of where we’d be without it, nowhere, that’s where. We’d be nowhere at all,” John said at the International AIDS conference in Washington on Monday.
Sir Elton better watch out for hate attacks: First Rush, now Bush...


Muslim athletes face problems because the Olympics are occuring during Ramadan.

I wonder why no one thought of this when it was being planned, since scheduling it two weeks earlier would have inconvenienced hardly anyone.

Trivia question of the day: What award winning film had a similar religious dilemma for an athlete, and who was it's producer?
The film was Chariots of Fire, and the executive producer was Dodi Fayed, a Muslim (who was killed with Princess Diana in a car crash).

The Iranian nuclear facilities are again under attack by a computer virus:
 or, as one commenter put it:

Oh no! Not the dreaded “Turn ON the computer and play AD/DC music, virus!”
well, it could be worse: It could have played Barry Manilow....

Did you ever run across the word "Thurible" in your bible and wonder what they were talking about?

Well, it's the thigamagiggie that they burn incense in during church services (on a chain so they can waft the smoke into your eyes)...

Well, Father Z has this photo, and even tells you the best way to clean out the gunk.... CocaCola!

StrategyPage explains why Alqaeda is no longer popular in the Muslim goes against the headlines in the MSM so you might want to bookmark it for later reading.

their latest podcast reviews their stories over the last 13 years. link

Related item: Facebook is popular in Kabul...

Some two million people, less than 10 percent of the population, have computer access to the Internet, officials say, but the figure is rising and many more have access through the increasing use of smart phones.

and even the Taliban is using Twitter...


And, from the 2013 calender, here are the Guinea pig Olympics:

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