Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stuff below the fold

TPM Barnett points out that for the first time since 1990 that Iraq will produce and export more petroleum than Iran.

Blame Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama...

80 percent of schools have contracts with Cocacola or other softdrink companies.

Sheshh...maybe need to go back to letting moms make the kids lunch.

Dustbury thinks someone didn't think this through:
a commenter has pointed out a possible drawback to the Majestic Mopar:
Q: Which features can only be controlled with the touchscreen?
A: The heated seats and steering wheel.
Q: When do you use them?
A: In the winter.
Q: What do you wear during winter?
A: Gloves.
Q: What doesn’t work when you wear gloves?
A: A touchscreen.
Q: Which features can only be controlled with the touchscreen?
A: The heated seats and steering wheel.
And so on, and so on, and scooby-dooby-doo. You’d think someone in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, Frozen North might have noticed this.
Good news for ladies: there is no proof that bears will attack you more often at 'that time of the month"...

So you are safe....except for Polar bears and brown snakes and maybe sharks....
(and being sniffed by male dogs, but that's another story altogether)...

headsup MotherJones.

Hot soup at CERN...

The craziest thing is that this might not even be the hottest temperature ever. Scientists at Brookhaven Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are still trying to figure out how hot a similar plasma they created last month is.
So let's review: two sub-atomic particle labs on opposite sides of the Atlantic both potentially broke a record for an obscenely hot temperature. It's a temperature so hot and so temporary, that they can't even measure it in degrees. No matter who holds the record, people win because science is awesome. [Nature and RHIC]


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