Friday, August 17, 2012

Stuff below the fold

Did the massacre of Colombus' men result in a more aggressive colonialization policy?

I doubt it: a lot of these soldiers had been in the wars against the Moors and were pretty aggressive (there is an argument that sending them to the New World was Isabella's way of getting rid of troublemakers, in the same way the Pope started to crusades to get all those troublemaking descendents of the Vikings/Normans out of Europe.

Otzi the Iceman had more Neanderthal genes than the average modern European.

the latest theory is that Humans and Neaderthals didn't interbreed, but came from the same ancestor
so does Otzi prove this is wrong?

The article at Belmont club is about the left painting the Republicans as evil necromancers, but at the end he mentions this factoid:
The real life story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was, according to some scholars, a veiled commentary on the attitudes of the nobility toward the Red Staters of the time. They were too ugly to do anything but serve the real elite.
In 1986 Bartels, a German scholar, published an analysis suggesting that the folktale of Snow White was based upon Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina von Erthal, who was born in Lohr am Main in 1729 …
The stepmother, Claudia Elisabeth von Reichenstein, was domineering and employed her new position to the advantage of her children from her first marriage …
The dwarfs were reputed to have been working class iron ore miners who lived at Bieber, 33 km from Lohr and who, as a result of poverty and malnutrition in the area, were short of stature.
IF you loved the movie "John Carter", then you can listen to the original: download via Librivox....

We're NASA and we know it....

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