Thursday, September 20, 2012

The "WAGD" post of the day

On the front page of the Manila Bulletin, right below the story on Mar Roxas.

Syria Plans Chemical Attack Against Syrians
LONDON (AFP) – The Syrian regime plans to deploy chemical weapons against its own people “as a last resort,” the former head of Syria's chemical arsenal told The Times newspaper in an interview published Wednesday.
Major General Adnan Sillu said he defected from the Syrian army three months ago after being party to top-levels talks about the use of chemical weapons on both rebel fighters and civilians.

that is bad enough but then read the rest:: both Hezbollah and the Iranian Republican Guard is involved in the chemical weapons use, and of course they are aiming to use them against Israel.
“They wanted to place warheads with the chemical weapons on missiles – to transfer them this way to Hezbollah. It was for use against Israel, of course,” he told The Times.
He suggested that the regime now had “nothing to lose” in sharing the weapons and added: “If a war starts between Hezbollah and Israel it will be only good for Syria.”

Formerspook has a full analysis, including a link to the JPost reprint of the German article that revealed that they are testing rockets to use shells with chemicals.
He notes that the report is Assad waiting to see if anyone in the west blinks or says stop.

The more partisan Diplomad has the backstory on how the Romney tape kerfuffle is being used to distract people from the real danger of a corrupt and incompetent State Department.
Austin Bay's take HERE.

and if you think this is complicated, just wait til the price of bread in Egypt goes up...keep an eye on this chart...

of course, to us the real story is the Chinese threats against Japan. That too is testing to see if the US is watching and will help protect Japan...if the Chinese succeed, I guess we can say goodbye to Palawan...

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