Thursday, October 04, 2012

Stuff below the fold

TPM Barnett has a short map and link about the fall of fertility in modern Arab lands, and he predicts that as more Middle Eastern Countries become globalized, that their fertility will fall too.

My take here on my Africa blog ... if I can find time to rewrite a few more times I will pot it on BNN...

A warm and fuzzy death ray?

Strategypage says the main problem with the non lethal microwave weapon is fear of being accused of using a death ray...

Bahrain has allowed the Christians there to build a new church.

Yeah. which is why so many Pinoys  such as my relatives preferred working in the small independent Gulf states rather than Saudi..
and the article includes a bit of history that is usually overlooked in the MSM...


UKMail cites a study showing one out of eight women have "depression" in early pregnancy.
Quite a good article, even though the Mail is best known for their trashy pictures.

The depression is usually hormone related, and nowadays, some women, not realizing this, rush into an abortion that they regret later.

We docs in the good old days used to reassure our patients this panic/depression was normal and would pass with time. Usually other women in their family would then tell them their own "horror stories", of how they went through the same thing...Usually family support was a big help...Nowadays, they have medicines that help too...and you also have to watch for post partum depression.

Belmont club discusses NYTimes article on doctors, cash payments and why students are not choosing primary care.

Mainly  bookmarked for later reading...

No, we didn't watch the debates

But yesterday, Sense of Event put up a prediction of the post debate poll:

Right now we are watching Mr. Bean on the Disney channel instead...

...100 years from now, nobody will remember the candidates but they will remember Bean.
(Don't believe me? Quick: Who was president when this film was made? ).

I laughed at Sarah Hoyt;s link:

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