Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Trash podcast of the week

well, not a podcast but a book at Librivox about trash: The World's Lumber Room by Selina Gaye (1840 - 1914)
If this book were written today, it would be called "The Story of the World's Rubbish". That may not sound a promising subject for a book, but we are taken on a journey all over the world (and beyond) to explain the many varieties of dust and refuse - animal, vegetable and mineral - how it is made both by man and by nature, what happens to it, and why we need it. We find that recycling is nothing new: man has been doing it for centuries, and nature has been doing it for billions of years. As every schoolboy knows, 'matter is neither created nor destroyed', so it stands to reason that every particle of it must be somewhere.

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