Saturday, November 03, 2012

Philippine coverage of US news

There is a lot of coverage of the US hurricane damage in our local news...maybe because almost a half million FilAms live in the NY/NJ/PA etc. area hit by the storms. 

So the Philippine gov't sent $250 thousand to the American Red Cross to help.

Also in the news here: that big truck accident that exploded in Saudi that killed 23 including one of our OFW's... It is reportedly a tanker truck fire that exploded and leveled a nearby factory

Over a hundred in the hospital there with burns, including a dozen or so OFW from the Philippines
...Although the incident took place near the headquarters of Saudi Arabian National Guard and Prince Nayef Arab University for Security Studies, officials speaking on state television said it was an accident.
and the good news: Maybe the Marcos money and assets in the US will be finally confiscated to pay his victims.
and the latest health scare: Tainted Korean Ramen noodles.

not near here, and acctually off the southern coast.

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