Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Family news

Joy and Ruby left for Manila at 3 AM: Ruby for a school function (She homeschools but her classes are monitored by a private school in Manila) and Joy for getting supplies and delivering a rice order to clients.

Chano's infection is getting better, but it still hurts so he is staying home.

Lolo and I are doing okay.

"Tag Init" (the hot season/summer before the monsoon starts) is almost here, so some days we end up staying indoors all afternoon. Last year I fixed up the spare bedroom and we got it's airconditioner fixed so we don't have to sit in our bedroom all day.

My main annoyance is that increased "security" is making it hard for me. I have been told to send checks for my CME audios, and to send in a letter with my CME credits, because the computer systems won't let me log them on line.

And my bank log in crashed again: Don't know if I typed wrong or if the connection was reset or what.


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