Friday, March 08, 2013

Stuff below the fold (Friday edition)

Heh. Tagle made Drudge, with photo and this link.

He must be causing a buzz because Reuters already had a local "photographer" write a hit piece about the church falling apart here. The reporter repeats the meme of "abuse", but hey, many of the families running the place are descended from Spanish priests, most politicians and businessmen have "second wives", sleep with the help,  and Nolo me Tagere is taught in all the schools.

As for the church falling apart: It's not true, of course: but the middle class is embracing a rule oriented/pentecostal type evangelical religion, that approves of making money; but this isn't from a problem in the church per se, because it's also happening in atheistic/Buddhist China...


Beware of barefoot shoes: You might end up with broken foot bones.

uh: shoes go back 30 000 years (at least) for a reason, and I doubt 40 year old Cro Magnon men were running on concrete every day.

Want to know about the Second Amendment? University of Oklahoma has a course on the Constitution, (started by the late professor J. Rufus Fears, and now continued by his collegues). They are now up to the reason for the second amendment.


So what can you do if you live where you aren't allowed to own a personal handgun for protection?


Hundreds of pom-poms and knitted items have been strung from trees and lampposts to help reduce the fear of crime in an area of Leicester.
Leicestershire Police hope the "guerilla knitting" or "yarn bombing" will encourage more people to use Bede Park and Great Central Way.
Some of the park's users told BBC Radio Leicester the items - including tree warmers - do not make them feel safer.
Asking the really important question of the day:

Did Tarantino steal the plot of Django from...Blazing Saddles?

Bookmarked for later reading: What Fracking means for SouthEast Asia.
(headsup Instapundit)

Facebook now allows you to get your news feed there.

the bad news: It's about Ads...super ads...

My question is if it lets them monitor your choice of stories, so that reading a wrong story leads to a "headsup" to some secret government office.

It's bad enough with Youtube "advising" me about what films I'd like to see...meaning they are keeping an eye on what I watch. So there is a computer somewhere that knows I am watching subversive films such as Blazing Saddles or Monte Python, or romances from the Hallmark channel?

An idea whose time has come: A 3D printable dress.
Duann Scott of Shapeways told Wired:
Once we have the machines better suited to doing clothing, we can do custom fits. It's very very possible to go into a change room, get a 3-D scan, and get a garment printed exactly to your fit. Traditionally, all garments are either a weave or a stitch. And with 3-D printing, we can … introduce something completely different. So we can grow designs rather than just using something that's centuries-old technology. It's a whole way to move forward in fashion and clothing and textiles.
This would be a great idea for those of us who have different sized tops and bottoms or are short waisted/long waisted. Few women's shops will alter your clothes, unlike shops that sell men's suits.

The "What Could go wrong" article of the day:

Russian scientists have claimed the discovery of a new type of bacterial life in water from a buried Antarctic lake.

Canada's space mission: Monitor garbage (with the help of an Indian rocket).

Includes this factoid:

There are many such debris swarms up there that have to be watched and avoided. These debris swarms are usually the result of accidents.

Father Z reminds you that traditionally, during the end of Lent, the bells that ring during mass are replaced by a rachett (A "crotalus") or a wooden hammar that makes a clicking noise...

and yes, you can buy one at Amazon...on sale for less than $9...

Feeling down? the happy story of the day:

On Tuesday the implant was switched on, marking the end of a two adoption process for Jayde after she spent the first four-years of her life in a Chinese orphanage after being abandoned in a town square at the age of eight-months.

The joy on Jayde Scholl's face is clear to see as she comes to terms with being able to hear for the first time after her cochlear implant was switched on this Tuesday
The joy on Jayde Scholl's face is clear to see as she comes to terms with being able to hear for the first time after her cochlear implant was switched on this Tuesday

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