If you are an exploration junkie, you might have heard about the disastrous Franklin expedition, but have you heard about how the McClure expedition, sent in from the west to rescue them, got caught in ice, stranded, and had to be rescued themselves?
Atlas Obscura on Spaceport USA in New Mexico
IncredibleThings links to a Foodbeast post about making miniture Sushi...
if you're not into sushi, how about a minature hamburger?
if you are into miniature dollhouse etc. check out Buttercup miniature and their blog.
Via Presurfer:
Noticing compares the diets and metabolism of elephants vs shrews and then asks the question of the day
Why don't elephants explode?
go to the site to find out why.
(physiology lesson of the day)
Project secret identity
Join EFF and Access for a cosplay activism campaign during Dragon Con (Sept. 4 – 7) to raise awareness of how anonymity and privacy are key to free expression.
Hide your identity from the snoopers
Via Gizmodo
yes, even my computer has "facial recognition" when I sign on.
Global warming? No problem. Just geoengineer a cooler climate.
“Generally, our results suggest that the cooling effect associated with enhanced DMS emissions would offset warming across the globe, especially in the Arctic,” says the study’s first author, Benjamin Grandey, a senior postdoc in Wang’s group who configured the model simulations and analyzed the data. “Precipitation would also decline worldwide, and some parts of the world would be worse off. Europe, the Horn of Africa, and Pakistan may receive less rainfall than they have historically.”
Grandey and Wang warn that the lower rainfall could reduce water resources considerably, threatening the hydrological cycle, the environment, and livelihoods in the affected regions.
how words are formed...they are made up? Or is the sound of the word related to it's meaning?
The discussion is interesting but vague.
Have you ever wondered why we call a dog a dog and not a cat? Is this an arbitrary decision, or is it based on iconicity—the resemblance between word structure and meaning? New research shows that for Indo-European languages, like English and Spanish, iconicity is more common than previously believed.
However, using the words "dog" and "cat" might not prove their argument, because although Cat has IndoEuropean roots, the word dog does not.
from the OnLine Entomology Dictionary:
dog (n.) Old English docga, a late, rare word, used in at least one Middle English source in reference to a powerful breed of canine. The word forced out Old English hund (the general Germanic and Indo-European word; see canine) by 16c. and subsequently was picked up in many continental languages (French dogue (16c.), Danish dogge, German Dogge(16c.)), but the origin remains one of the great mysteries of English etymology.
actually I first learned this at the excellent History of English podcast
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