and asks if ET is trying to call us. and discusses the theory that maybe ET killed themselves via climate change or nuclear war.
or maybe they evolved to a higher power, as in Arthur Clarke's story and the New agers theories.
Nah, I sort of agree with Haldane's idea
there are some right wing Christian sites that wonder if a lot of ET stuff is demonic, but myself, I go along with CSLewis (and Madeline L'Engle and medieval thought) that thinks that some ET's including stories of elves and ancient gods, might be Eldils or angels.... but of course, this doesn't mean they are all good.
Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.
sort of related, but this is the theory posted by the Muslim Valkerie in the latest Rick Riordan series: that God is above all, which is why she wears a veil and prays five times a day in between rescuing heroes for Valhalla, but this doesn't negate other stories of gods, demigods, elves and dwarves.
Ahmad al Abbas, call your office...
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