Monday, October 31, 2016

Scary films

I am not into horror films per se, but if you want to be scared, try one of these films:

31 scariest films

via SenseOfEvents

yes I've seen a few of them, like the original Poltergeist and the Birds...


Of course, now the scariest stuff is "non fiction": We had DeCaprio's film on NatGeo Asia last night.

No, I didn't watch it,

But if you read history, you find climate change is a bitch and may have been behind many disasters in the past

But I feel that a lot of this is propaganda to encourage the acceptance of a "one world government" run by self selected elites.... and any disaster will do...

I mean, I'm old enough to remember the predictions of Paul Ehrlich that we'd all be starving by 1980, or Newsweek telling us we were doomed by global cooling.
Summary: people should remain poor for the sake of mother gaia, and governments should make sure that there are a lot fewer of them... of course, the original idea goes back to Malthus (whose ideas let the British elites ignore the devestation caused by the Irish potato famine, seeing it as nature's way to lower the population of those pesky dirty papists)

Ant those ideas are still with us: and no one except some Marxists know about Nixon's push to keep poor people from having babies.

IF you read the whole summary you find they consider the Catholic church as the enemy for their plans...

this suggests that the idea that the Church has to be changed (presumably by infiltration of their activists) predates what was discussed in those emails, that those astroturfed "Catholic activist" groups are actually political groups whose idea is to change the church to correspond to their progressive political agenda. who is funding the St Gallens conspiracy?

Malachi Martin call your office..

But anyway, the real question of the week: is the reason that so many disparate cultures have flood stories might be because of the floods caused by the melting of the glaciers:

Aeon magazine article discusses Doggerland and other lost worlds...

Water was the source of life but also destruction and, as such, it inspired the earliest recorded version of the most famous ‘flood myth’ of all. The story of a Utnapishtim, a just man who is instructed by a god to build an ark so as to survive a flood, appeared in The Epic of Gilgamish...
 There is a Hindu Noah, an Incan Noah, and a Polynesian Noah.
A First Nation version of the legend maintains that mankind’s wickedness so upset the sun-god Nákúset that he wept a global deluge.
and although Atlantis is not about the rising sea levels from melting glaciers (that legend probably came from the eruption of a volcano) or maybe even Noah (which might have been based on the flooding of the Black sea), a lot of areas are now flooded that once had humans living there.



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