Saturday, January 28, 2017

Donald the archangel

a google of "Obama Messiah" will get you ooddles of links and photos/cartoons (445 000 to be exact). Here is an example, stolen from a website called ObamaMessiah website.(duh).

President Barack Obama pause as he speaks at the close of the Fiscal Responsibility Summit, Monday, Feb. 23, 2009, in the Old Executive Office. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Usually President Obama was smiling and photographed in the light, for he was the lightbringer to a nation.

so how is the news president photographed? Usually with a snarl on his face, as if he is saying "you're fired".

But I spotted this one on the Manila Bulletin and I thought WTF: HE NOW HAS WINGS...

US President Donald Trump speaks following the ceremonial swearing-in of James Mattis as secretary of defense on January 27, 2016 at the Pentagon in Washington, DC.
heh. Saint Donald the Archangel. compare and contrast:

and for those of you with a really geeky sense of humor, contemplate the icon of Saint Mattis holding the Holy Handgrenade.

the Marine times says that those posting it were forced to take it down.

Marine Corps Special Operations Command took down this meme of retired Gen. James Mattis from its Facebook page. Photo Credit: Marine Corps Special Operations Command's Facebook page.
Mattis isn't going to replace Chesty Puller as the Marine you would like most to lead you in time of war, but his legend is growing...

as for the Holy Hand grenade, that is Monty Python, of course.

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