Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Privacy?? Update on big brrother

see earlier post about gov't snooping.

This one is from the WAPO.

Computer warrants are ordinarily executed in two stages. First, the government gets access to all the electronic records. Next, the government searches through the records for the particularly described evidence. Courts have broadly allowed the government to follow this two-step procedure, in which they get all the stuff in the initial stage of electronic evidence warrants so that they can search it for the relevant evidence. Given that, Dreamhost’s objection is slightly off.

As I read it, Dreamhost is essentially challenging the widely accepted two-stage warrant practice.

italics mine

so you mean this is not Trumpie being big brother, but Trumpie using a government snooping rule that has been legal for quite awhile?

italics mine

uh, 4th amendment anyone>

and who is being searched, and for what?

Of course when Facbook knows where you live and where you went to school and who are in your circle, and Google can snoop on your web searches, one doesn't have a lot of privacy.

But Google can't put you in jail (yet)....

presumably my privacy is nil since although I am a US citizen, I live abroad and not eveyone using our IP address are US citizens.

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