Thursday, September 21, 2017

Behold the power of... bloggers

Those of us with kids know how one kid will come to us and whine "mom he's LOOKING at me... have him stop". Presumably a sibling's smirk is so evil that they need to be punished severely.

Well, now the PC in the Catholic church are whining: "mom,  he's blogging about me and said something mean".

and who is daring to do this? Father Z is blamed.

but of course he can defend himself... Behold the power of wordpress!

But you know, there is a pattern here that started against the "dubia" bishops, who questioned some "ambiguous" passages in the Pope's letter "the Joy of Sex", and then we saw articles blasting those nasty "converts" knew the bible well enough to quote the Bible to the Pope, saying: isn't there something in the Bible about not receiving the sacrament when you are living in sin?

You know how it goes:

from Catholic culture editor, Phillip Lawler:

See if you recognize this rhetorical strategy: Say that the people who disagree with you are motivated by hatred.
Say that they’re dangerous extremists, a threat to civil society.
Say that you are interested in genuine debate, but your opponents won’t allow it.
Compare your opponents to Nazis. Insist that responsible people must disavow any connection with your opponents.
And then… Say that your opponents are intolerant. It’s a clever technique: a campaign of intolerance, camouflaged as a plea for tolerance. And it’s picking up steam in the Catholic media.

So who stands in their way, when the cautious bishops and theologians don't want to stand with those deplorable  and "rigid" uber-catholics?

 check out Father L....  he notes that a certain unpopular (in the Vatican) Pottawatomie bishop is on the warpath, as is a certain African  Cardinal...

Indeed, both of them dare to write books about not being ashamed to proclaim the gospel in a post Christian world, but with nuances and reason that make their arguments hard to ignore.

and then there are secular reporters who blog about the shenanigans in Rome, such as
Sandro Magister.

Today's headline?
So Long, Wojtyla and Caffarra. Here Comes the Francis Family

Those in the Vatican think tank about the family have been fired, and will be replaced, and they will include "caring for creation" in their mandate.

what could go wrong?

St Athanasius, call your office.

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