Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fish rot leadership

The saying goes: The fish rots from the head down.

Meaning: When an organization or state fails, it is the leadership that is the root cause.

SP notes that part of the problem behind the recent accidents in the USNavy can be attributed to leadership problem. Yes, there is over work and transition, but having yes men in leadership has made these normal situations worse.

The two destroyers that suffered fatal collisions had some of the worst readiness and training ratings in the entire fleet. These ratings are there to spotlight ships, and their crews, that need the most attention from senior leadership, especially the fleet commander. That was not happening

telling your superiors they are wrong and you need more money or fewer things doesn't get get you promoted, so the ones who kept quiet stayed and the trouble makers quit, or were dropped (the rule is that if you don't get promoted, you end up retired).

this last part means that a lot of qualified people won't be there to fill in the gaps if they fire the laggards.

but will things get better?

.. since the new Secretary of Defense is a retired (in 2013) marine general with firsthand experience with what was going wrong in the navy, the admiral responsible was held accountable in the traditional way.

translation: the Admiral was fired. Marines tend to be more bad ass than a peacetime navy.


we see a similar problem in the Catholic church...

Yes, I know: the Pope does condemn abortion, immorality, and even corrupt politicians, but not as vigorously as he condemns air conditioning, or has his minions condemn bishops who say: "Wait a second: your trojan horse letter "the joy of sex" has confused not only people but a lot of bishops. Please clarify"

so the next step is worse, but should be obvious to anyone who recognizes the "slippery slope" arguments of morality.

 Crux notes that the Pope has "overhauled the church's pro life beachead" by removing those pesky rigid ethicists at the Pontifical Academy of Life
.. signaling that while he doesn’t intend to muzzle the pro-life argument, he wants a body less inclined to be pugnacious or rambunctious.
(italiccs mine).
The new members named by Francis include a mix of clergy and laity, and also feature a number of non-Catholics, including other Christians, followers of other religions, and non-believers.
what could go wrong? Uh oh...

 more HERE.

If one reads the explanation of the Cardinal in charge, and read between the lines, you get the impression that the moral fuzzyness of the Joy of sex is now being smuggled into the bioethics experts in the Vatican.

and we are already seeing the fruits of this moral fuzzyness: Father Z reports and translates:

The Belgian “We Kill You™” Brothers of Charity, are defying the Holy See to continue their policy of euthanasia for non-terminal psychiatric patients.. HERE
Attention class: The real Nazis are not just marching in Virginia.

longer rant on myother blog...

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