Monday, October 16, 2017

Science stories

Beothuk DNA in Newfoundland suggests they are related to the Mikmac.

Wikipedia has the story of their slow extinction, including outright murder and deliberate capture of women (including one captive that might have gone home with the Vikings).  But most of them died from the usual reasons: disease and displacement by aggressive newcomers.

the article includes stories of some of the survivors past that point but mainly those who intermarried outside the tribe.

"The Beothuk were unable to procure sufficient subsistence within the areas left to them."[5] They entered into a cycle of violence with some of the newcomers.
Beothuk numbers dwindled rapidly due to a combination of factors, including: loss of access to important food sources, from competition with Inuit and Mi'kmaqs as well as European settlers; infectious diseases to which they had no immunity, such as smallpox, introduced by European contact; endemic tuberculosis (TB), which weakened tribal members...
By 1829, with the death of Shanawdithit, the people were officially declared extinct.[8] 


The story of many indigenous folks.

Baltic clams and worms release as much CO2 as 20 thousand cows.


Look to the Sky: Chinese Space Station due to crash back to earth.
nor is it the first one to do so:

n 1979, NASA’s Skylab space station hit Australia during its own fall to Earth, and the Soviet Union’s Salyut 7 space station followed suit over Argentina in 1991.


the tough life of small farmers on gov't reserves in the Amazon.

Interesting experiment.


How the "S" Bend made modern toilets possible.


BBC report on the California wildfires. It's the Diablo winds making it worse.


BBC: backstory on Chinese society and families

half a million Chinese are studying overseas, and most will return.


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