I ran across this factoid in a very funny (as in sarcastic) article (via Instapundit) about anti trump mania:
italics mine. WTF?
...Fortunately, just in the nick of time, the ruling classes and their media mouthpieces rolled out the Russian Propaganda story. The Washington Post (whose owner’s multimillion dollar deal with the CIA, of course, has absolutely no effect on the quality of its professional journalism) led the charge...
sure enough it was covered in this 2014 article in the Atlantic.
But it shows a "follow the money" link between Amazon and the CIA. And Amazon's founder Bezos now owns the WAPO.
Fast forward to Dec 2016: Global Research: CIA cloud over the Washington Post.
ZeroHedge explains: What you aren't told about the Washington Post, Russia and the CIA.
So is the evidence of a deep state/CIA collusion to overthrow Trumpie boy? Who knows. A lot of the stuff is routine nonsense one always sees, but this year it seems to be a bit over the top, and Trump, who probably has lots of experience with crooked politicians, Mafia unions, and overcharging businessmen, seems to love it.
Backstory: everyone in the Philippines knows how the US Ambassador manipulated the press to try to destroy Duterte over a bad joke. and probably also with money and their social media chorus. (the same ambassador who was thrown out after interfering with an election in Bolivia). This is widely believed here, even by Miriam, a popular and honest politician who probably would have been elected if she hadn't been very ill.
So is this evidence of the deep state collusion against Trumpie boy?
who knows. I love to read conspiracy theories, but don't necessarily believe them. I view them as exaggerating a small snippet of truth and making it the entire story, which is it not.
As for the cloud: No, I don't back up there. Not from paranoia but because I no longer am in business. And besides, anyone who thinks the cloud can't be hacked is naive.
I have had my yahoo email and Amazon account hacked, and even my government personnel file was hacked by the Chinese. So why does anyone think the cloud is safe?
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