Busy day again today, so bookmarked for later reading;
Dilbert sees common goals between BLM and the Republicans.
jobs, safe neighborhoods, and cops who are accountable. Sounds fine to me.
My Hispanic sons know about the abuse of "driving while Hispanic": getting a ticket for speeding on an interstate when no one obeyed the speed limit.... but of course, the interstate happened to be a major drug smuggling route from NYC to the midwest at the time.
Ralph Peters on why the Arab street didn't explode. (via Instapundit)
also via Instapundit: New melanoma immunotherapy seems to work.
Sigh. I arranged Joy's sister to get into one immunotherapy protocol in Manila when her melanoma metastasized, but it only prolonged her life for four months. Sigh.
They've been experimenting with "immunotherapy" for melanoma since I was in medical school, so one does hope maybe after 45 years they got it right.
Long report on the Philippines on Strategy Page.
Don't tell the MSM that terrorism (both NPA and Islamic) and drugs are related, and by fighting back we are now safer.
the bad news is China is winning. Obama stopped PNoy from stopping them from dredging up the West Philippine sea to make artificial islands, so now only a war will get them out. And Obama held back weapons to punish Duterte for the "drug war" (actually because the CIA candidate didn't win) so we got rifles from China instead to fight the Marawi takeover, and now they are asking favors back.
they do note the US helped the Marawi fight by aerial surveillance however.
not mentioned: That during the election we got an ambassador who had been thrown out of Bolivia for interfering with the election. So how did Duterte win? The "deplorables" here ignored their betters because they knew he was tough but fair.
Will he stop corruption? Probably not, but maybe there will be less of it.
The Catholic bishops here are SJW all the time: pro green and anti drug war ("Extra judicial killings"). But most of the corrupt politicians are good Catholics, and the middle class is turning evangelical in our area.... but Tagle is running for Pope, so it's not about poor Filipinos getting jobs, but about the NWO agenda of Pope Francis...
Side note: We get CNN, Japanese, local, BBC, Bloomberg and AlJ here.
CNN tends to discuss anti Trump all the time, and if you watch them you would think the impeachment was nigh.
Scanning the news stations, I ran across a discussion of the Jerusalem embassy on Al Jazerrah: which is pro Arab and filled with American leftists.
They actually discussed both sides of the issue. Who wudda thot? AlJ is fairer than CNN...
One comment: Does the press note Trump's son has business ties here? Like TRex and the Saudis, I suspect that they are using business tactics and personal links and information from business contacts rather than obey the CIA in their overseas diplomacy, but I haven't read a lot about this anywhere.
the dirty little secret is that "moderate" Islam has always been favorable to trade and commerce (as opposed to modern liberal Christianity, which does have a socialist bias).
The Nobel Prize was won by a group who wants everyone to sing kumbaya and get rid of nuclear weapons. Interview here.
In reality they want unilateral western nuclear disarmament, something the US Catholic bishops were pushing 40 years ago.
part of a larger "progressive" social agenda, of course: quick question: Israel has quietly had nukes for years. Does anyone really think that if Iran or Saddam's Iraq had nukes they would not use them to destroy Israel?
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