A lot of touchy feely Christians think there is no hell, but I'd like there to be one for the greedy politicians.
Conflict has forced 1.7 million people to flee their homes in the Democratic Republic of Congo this year, causing "a mega-crisis", aid agencies say. This means that for the second consecutive year, DR Congo is worst-affected by conflict displacement in the world, the agencies add.
Related item: Nigerian problems go deeper than the Bokoharum: the herdsmen vs the farmers.
In Nigeria, it has a Muslim (Fulani) vs Christian (farmer) aspect, but in Mali it is Muslim (Fulani) vs Muslim (Tuareg).
of course, you could blame global warming, but the dirty little secret is that the Sahara has been drying up for the last 10 thousand years... and the real "solution" is changing their occupation:
Religion or tribal affiliation is not the major factor for the Fulani, it’s mainly about the money and for Fulani cattle are wealth and historically if Fulani have fewer cattle they were less likely to survive. Simple as that. The Fulani population is growing but the land and water available for herds is not. So the Fulani attack. For them, retreat is not an option because most see that as suicide. A growing number of Fulani are turning to farming or jobs in the cities. A minority of Fulani (mainly in Nigeria) converted to Christianity as well as non-pastoral (herding) occupations.
Zimbabwe is in transition: And China just signed a loan with the new gov't..
HARARE - Zimbabwe’s new government signed a $153 million loan agreement with China on Wednesday, its first post-Mugabe deal with a foreign government, to expand and refurbish its international airport in Harare as it bids to attract investors and tourists.
keep it in mind for next tourism plans.
the "Well duh" story of the years: Birth control pills linked to breast cancer.
for every 100,000 women using hormonal birth control, there are 68 cases of breast cancer annually, compared with 55 cases a year among nonusers.
But the increase is not huge: and the alternative is a lot more abortions because your "non hormonal" method failed (which is what the experts recommend), or a lot more kids.
and fewer cases of Ovarian cancer too.
In the sex wars, Time magazine said those exposing sexual harassment are the people of the year. Good, except for one problem: False complaints by ex girlfriends or others to destroy people.
(note: I was accused of sexual abuse by a druggie patient when I refused to refill her narcotic pain pills during an examination. Luckily, she threatened me again outside the examining room, within hearing distance of a nurse and the secretary, so I had witnesses and the case was thrown out).
And Cory Feldman, who has been called a liar, has been vindicated because his police complaint from 1993.
Trumpie boy plans to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, but missing in the story is the little fact that this has been promised by.. Bill Clinton years ago.
When running for president 25 years ago, Bill Clinton promised to “support Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.” President George W. Bush criticized Clinton for not following up on that commitment, but then W failed to make good on his too. During Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, he stated that, “we should move our embassy to Jerusalem” but never recognized the city as the capital
as for the usual suspects planning days of rage and protests: well, what else is new? Since they are doing this anyway, why bow to their threats?
personally, I like Tom Clancy's plan: Make Jerusalem an international city and staff it with clerics who actually preach their religion of peace.
The Pope continues his plan to makeover the Catholic church into Anglicanism lite, but you know, even in the non religious UK the Anglicans are sending missionaries there to keep the church alive.
and yes, I am happy the Pope is defending the Rohingye (I've mentioned them in this blog many times before they became a cause celebre).
As for his anti capitalism ideas: well, maybe he should try looking at the facts.
Manny Pacquiao.. That's Colonel Manny to you
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