Wednesday, December 06, 2017

The Swamp can get you if you don't watch out

The questioning of General Flynn was a political hit job, and was based on using "intelligence" methods for political reasons.

What is arguably most disturbing about this case is that then-National Security Adviser Flynn was pushed into a perjury trap by Obama administration holdovers at the Justice Department who concocted an unorthodox legal rationale for subjecting Flynn to an FBI interrogation four days after he took office, testing Flynn’s recollection of the conversations while the FBI agents had transcripts of the calls intercepted by the National Security Agency.
 In other words, the Justice Department wasn’t seeking information about what Flynn said to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak – the intelligence agencies already had that information.
Instead, Flynn was being quizzed on his precise recollection of the conversations and nailed for lying when his recollections deviated from the transcripts.

italics mine.
For Americans who worry about how the pervasive surveillance powers of the U.S. government could be put to use criminalizing otherwise constitutionally protected speech and political associations, Flynn’s prosecution represents a troubling precedent.
read the whole thing:
(heads up from an AnneAlthouse commenter)

Why do I post this?

Because the "russiagate" probe is political witchhunting to find a reason to impeach Trump.

Such "perjury" is serious, if true, but if it was a deliberate sting inspired by political opponents, it stinks to high heaven. Especially since the prosecution of others whose perjury was more serious is ignored.

and two: If they can do it here, they can do it to anyone.

Update from Instapundit: Giglio violation? Based on this case.

In an earlier post, I noted how Kathleen Kane was destroyed for daring to try to destroy a "civil rights" icon , but the background was mainly because of a political  "feud" over a sting operation that she claimed unfairly targeted black politicians.

more HERE. 

One needs to note that previous "sting" operations have or have not resulted in convictions, (John McCain call your office)

But the reason she went to jail was not her zeal: Her crime was leaking "grand jury" testimony about a crook who was PC...

so why was it done:

So before the leak, the world already knew Mondesire was being accused of financial misdeeds. And without the leak, we all might’ve learned Kane’s predecessors at the Attorney General’s Office were investigating him but never charged him anyway. here is a snip about her real crime:

Wait a minute. Aren’t these stories about the grand jury investigating and recommending charges against Kane also being leaked? Shouldn’t these leaks be investigated, too? That’s exactly what Lanny Davis is saying. On Thursday, he said, “This anonymous leak to the Inquirer about this alleged presentment could be – in and of itself – a possible violation of the state Grand Jury Secrecy Act. I wonder why the supervising judge who appointed the special prosecutor to investigate the attorney general hasn’t initiated a grand-jury investigation of this leak or any of the other previous leaks from this same grand jury process.”
Could this be her foes serving up some political revenge then? Maybe! That’s pretty much what Davis is alluding to. Kane has said the investigation of her is an “abuse of the criminal justice system” and has referenced the porny emails investigation and the reinvestigation of the Sandusky probe as things that pissed people off.

yes, you read that right. The "reinvestigation" of a pervert pissed people off, because the implication was that those in charge didn't really try to push the matter.


Then Seth Williams chose to hire former attorney general prosecutor Frank Fina. Fina was a prominent figure in the Kane prosecution. Fina was irked by Kane’s reinvestigation of the Jerry Sandusky child sex scandal, a case he investigated while in the attorney general’s office. Fina is alleged to have leaked embarrassing information about Kane that ultimately led to her self-destruction.

it all had to do with "pornogate":  pornographic and racist emails by folks using government email and government servers.

The corruption in Philly politics, and in Central Pennsylvania, are known to locals, and are deeply embedded.

Overlooking Sandusky and overlooking the gay friendly priests ( our local Catholic newspaper even wrote an editorial praising the gay friendly priests in State College when I lived there in the 1990's. Duh. And complainers were punished)  went on for years, and we lay folks just wrote letters to the editor and grit our teeth about it.

So why did Kane's "leak" and "perjury" get a jail term, while others, who had more serious crime of accepting gifts and slow walking the investigations of corruption and stings inspired by racism, did not?

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