Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Family news

The earthquake in Alaska caused a tsunami scare in Vancouver Island, so Ruby's school evacuated in the middle of the night to go to higher ground.

A false alarm, thank God.

Joy will go to Manila tomorrow to renew my visa.

Chano is discussing bringing his mom here since she is old and needs a nursing home but refuses to go to one.

Me? I am fine.


update: No, the Mayon volcano is far to the south of our area so we are not affected.

we have lots of volcanoes, and the one outside our window is inactive.... but we are not that far from Mt Pinatubo, but the mountains made the lava flows head toward Clark AFB, not our area.

Here is a wikipedia map of volcanoes, most of them not active, and a couple of them quite near to Manila...such as Taal, which smokes now and then and killed some folks back in 1966

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