Friday, February 02, 2018

Discussing the real questions, not the memes

Trumpie boys' state of the union showed he was a JFK Democrat.

as for the latest Kennedy Scion who gave the rebuttal: I have no idea what he said, since the twittersphere is too busy wondering about his lip balm.


The Parking space dilmemma 

do you take the risk that there is a parking place for you, or do you obediently stand in line and take the inconvenient bus because it is safer? And does your safe choice deprive you of the possibility that there are better ways to do things?
As I listened to his story, it reminded me of a meeting I had the prior year with some Navy colleagues. We were trying to resolve a training problem regarding a new technology. As I listened to the young officers and chief petty officers brain storm, I kept hearing them say things like, “We can’t do that. It will cost too much money,” or “It would take too many people” in response to training approaches which required additional resources. They had fallen victim to a scarcity mentality. Perhaps unwittingly, but the scarcity mentality was so powerful they were preemptively going to deprive their bosses of some of their best ideas. They confined their creative thinking to a box—a box not imposed on them by leadership, but by the scarcity mentality. For roughly 50 years we have been told to think outside the box, perhaps now cliché, but there is wisdom in this philosophy.

I remember having an argument where a bureaucrat instructed us that our mandate was to "Treat the (Native American) patients within the limit of our budgetary restraints"

I reminded him that our mandate was to treat them, period.
Yes, we had "rationing" of non essential stuff, but when we were confronted with a huge expense (e.g. heart transplant, rehab for a paraplegic), we searched around to find the funds, and found them.

The box mentality ignores that sometimes a third way will solve your problem, but unless you are given the freedom to do this you won't see it.

for example, the Kobiyashi Maru solution, or the Cobrimite maneuver: Not Chess but Poker...


forget TrumpieBoy vs Obamacare.

here comes Amazon.

Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, likened America’s mushrooming healthcare costs to “a hungry tapeworm on the American economy.” How the (Amazon) venture will provide less pricy healthcare to the 1.2 million employees of the participating companies isn’t yet clear.
The new company will leverage “technology solutions” that provide “simplified, high-quality and transparent healthcare at a reasonable cost.” Not much else, including the name of the company, is known.
here is one place to start: From Forbes:

Doctors Wasting Over Two-Thirds Of Their Time Doing Paperwork
The study confirmed what many physicians have already observed (such as James Sanders, MD in this 2005 editorial for Family Practice Management): the amount of paperwork that doctors have to do is out of control. Led by Christine Sinsky, MD, at the American Medical Association, the study followed 57 U.S. physicians in family medicine, internal medicine, cardiology and orthopedics for a total of 430 hours. In addition, 21 physicians completed after-hours diaries.
The results? Physicians spent 27% of their time in their offices seeing patients and 49.2% of their time doing paperwork, which includes using the electric health record (EHR) system.
Even when the doctors were in the examination room with patients, they were spending only 52.9% of the time talking to or examining the patients and 37.0% guessed it... paperwork. Moreover, the doctors who completed the after-hours diaries indicated that they were spending one to two hours each night doing -- drum roll please -- paperwork (or the EHR).
been there, done that. One reason I was happy to retire.

David Warren
discusses a BBC article where someone counters the reporter's hatred of an uncouth Trump by pointing out: When you want to clean the rats out the restaurant, you don't care if the guy you hire is uncouth, you just care if he can get the rats out.

he then goes on to observe what Trumpie boy is able to do: He's a salesman and entrepeneur who can fix things.

A very large part of human enterprise is founded on morale. One might call it a confidence game; but some of these games are better than others.
The parties of managed decline, and political correctness, in America and across Europe, cannot understand this. To them, an economy is based on economic factors, and the government’s job is to control them.
But morale is not an economic factor. It is a spiritual factor. Winning does not start with getting the right assistance; it starts with wanting to win. And it depends on the most inscrutable enthusiasms, such as that for putting the rats out.
he then goes on to point out the "blind spot" of these elite observers:
As our correspondent discovered, in Tony’s Original Restaurant, the town contains many “anti-abortion, low-tax” people — black as well as white. These are the sort of “deplorables” upon whom progressive Democrats (and Liberals and Labourites and Social Democrats) heap their anathemas and slurs. What he perhaps missed is that pro-life extends beyond unborn babies, to all kinds of deplorable activities, such as earning a living and supporting a family and building a community. It is very likely to include involvement in a church.


AnneAlthouse comments on the Jathi controversy in the New Yorker (see earlier posts) and emphasizes this quote:

"I think that the people who have done the deep and conceptual thinking about brain death are people with high I.Q.s, who tremendously value their cognitive abilities...."

Yup. They want to judge if you deserve to live, and it goes way beyond brain death and IQ.

see my previous posts on this LINK LINK2


Jordan Peterson's lectures are on line, Maps of Meaning series.

 and include this series where he uses bible stories to explain life dilemmas:

like a lot of Peterson's lectures, dense with ideas.

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