Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Falcon Heavy is go

DavidReneke says SpaceX Falcon Heavy just made it into space.

SpaceX’s big new rocket has blasted off on its first test flight, carrying a red sports car on an endless space journey. The Falcon Heavy rocket rose this morning from the same Florida launch pad used by NASA to send men to the moon. With liftoff, the Heavy became the most powerful rocket in use today. The three boosters and 27 engines roared to life at Kennedy Space Center, as thousands jammed surrounding beaches, bridges, and roads to watch the rocket soar, delayed more than two hours by high wind.

live news conference going on now. LINK

CarAndDriver reports

The Falcon Heavy was the actual star of the February 6 launch, but interest in the rocket faded to mainstream viewers relative to the Tesla Roadster, which SpaceX positioned within a capsule in the rocket’s nose. ... A few clever Easter eggs were scattered throughout the Tesla, too, from the touchscreen display reading “Don’t Panic!” (a reference to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) to a tiny Tesla Roadster Hot Wheels model—complete with its own tiny Starman—set atop the dashboard.

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