Sunday, February 04, 2018

Reawaken manhood, not nag

Archbishop Chaput has a long thoughtful opinion on what is going on with the sexual hysteria in today's culture.

 “In a lot of men, that kind of hectoring will merely breed nominal repentance and inner resentment. A man’s actions and words change only when his heart changes for the better. And his heart only changes for the better when he discovers something to believe in that transforms and gives meaning to his life; something that directs all of his reasoning and desires.”...

“Men need a challenge. Men need to test and prove their worth. Men feel most alive when they’re giving themselves to some purpose higher than their own comfort. This is why young men join the Marines or Rangers or SEALs,” he said. “They do it not despite it being hard, but exactly because it’s hard; because it hurts; because they want to be the best and earn a place among brothers who are also the very best.”

and then he dares to point out the core problem of an American society:

“Christian equality is based not in political ideology but in the reality of the differences and mutual dependencies of real men and women,” said Chaput. “As creatures we’re designed to need each other, not replicate each other. And this, by the way, is a key reason why modern culture is so conflicted about the body.”

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