Monday, April 23, 2018

#MeToo, 1869 edition

#METOO, 1869 edition.

short version

Long version.

Byron was a cheating drunken incesturous bisexual promiscuous SOB,  but beloved as a romantic hero.

So his minions covered up his sins, even trashing his wife's 
reputation  to defend his shoddy treatment of her and her child..

The fact that he became a SJW and backed the Greek revolution at the end of his life (as a means of repenting his sins? or because he was becoming a has-been and wanted to get back into the headlines?) This makes him a hero to many, but only if you agree that neglecting your offspring and destroying the lives of your lovers and wife is okay if you write purty and follow the popular causes of the day.

Harriet Beacher Stowe, of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" fame and an early feminist, stood  up for her, against the story she was "rigid" and emotionally cold.

He claimed she deserted him after she had her baby, but she claimed he ordered her home even before she had recovered. He claimed to all that she was rigid and frigid, but the backstory was that she objected to his incest with his half sister, and because he had sodomized her, and attempted to persuade her to have what we moderns would call an "open marriage"...

So why did she marry him in the first place? Maybe because she was naive and thought she could tame him...

Ah, but why did he marry her? There are a lot of speculations, but few bother to note the probable reason: follow the money:

link: p208

Lord Byron is declared to have paid back his wife's ten-thousand-pound wedding portion, and doubled it. Moore makes no such statements; and his remarks about Lord Byron's use of his wife's money are unmistakable evidence to the contrary. Moore, although Byron's ardent partisan, was too well informed to make assertions with regard to him, which, at that time, it would have been perfectly easy to refute.
 this NewYorker article suggusts that the narcissistic amoral Victor Frankenstein, who made his monster out of self pride and then abandoned his creature as useless, was based on Byron.

The irony: Both women continued to love these charming sociopathic bad boys for the rest of their lives.

Librivox version of Stowe's book.

Nat Geo is boasting they will have a biography of Picasso for their "geniuses" series. I read a biography of him written by a woman writer who actually noticed how he manipulated and abused the women around him, and how his lovers committed suicide because of the abuse.

No, I don't think geniuses abuse women as part of their genius: I think they abuse women because they can.

ten thousand pounds in 1835 is the equivalent to 1,195,000 pounds in todays' money.

ironcially, although few outside of Literature classes bother to read Byron, his daughter's influence on fhe world was greater: She is the "mother" of computer programmers.

Ada Lovelace: Photosource:

Ironically, the same thing happened to his fellow "romantic" poet and libertine Shelley: his poetry is pushed in literarture classes but he has little grass roots popularity today, but everyone knows about his wife's book Frankenstein,

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