Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Family news

It's the annual fiesta in our town, so lots of folks here and lots of parties. The Parade was yesterday, and there was a party at the town square last night. No fireworks though so the dogs didn't get too upset at the noise.

Kuya is having his staff and farmers come for lunch. So we ate here, and hopefully the food was fresh: often if you eat the food later in the day, you get mild food poisoning.

one of Lolo's friends stopped by after the mass with his family to say hi. Sigh. Last of his group who used to meet here every year for the fiesta.

Remedios is holding the family feast this afternoon... I haven't decided if I will go due to the heat.

Ditto for the mass: I usually avoid this, because it is crowded and hot inside church, even when Lolo was alive and was invited to sit up front with the VIPs.

The dogs are restless because they aren't getting their daily walks, due to heavy traffic and people walking down the streets (we live a block from the town square and two blocks from the Palenke and four blocks from the church).

MamaCat finally had her kitties: Three yellow ones. She had them in the bathroom of the cats room, but then moved them into an empty box under the desk.

Just what we need: More cats. Oh well.

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