Sunday, June 24, 2018

He who must not be named

No, not Voldemort, but JC, the superstar.

A big Hollywood star gave a talk on MTV, and instead of pushing hedonism or psychobabble did a good imitation of a certain professor who is channeling Marcus Aurelius by advising Nine Rules for Living.

and the press? Anyone? Anyone? the link above is from GetReligion, but they noticed that only few of the MSM bothered to cover the speech: but never mind.

But in today's GetReligion post, they noted an "infowars" (the notorious conspiracy site) had said a certain name was censored from his speech.

Ah, conspiracy theories. Or is it?

But then they scrutinized the speech.

 Thus, this (yes, I know) clip argues that something interesting may have happened right in the middle of this statement in rule No. 9 – after the word "way."
Look at the position of Pratt's hands before and after the editing cut from a camera on the left and then a camera on the right.
Did MTV leaders remove the typical Pratt reference to "Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior"? Was that language too offensive for this audience?
You are imperfect. You always will be, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way, and if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace.

Remember: This was MTV, and a couple years ago at an awards show. A couple years ago, Conan O'Brien joked about it being "the Satanic awards show".

the phrase: Speaking truth to power comes to mind.


In other religion news: The elites of Ireland have been demonizing the Catholic church there for many years, and their bad bishops make it easy for them.

The "abortion" law was passed after a propaganda deluge lamenting the death of a woman who died after an abortion, and the press did a propaganda deluge about it, insisting that the abortion law killed her. .

(actually the doctors treated her as a spontaneously ruptured membranes at 17 weeks and missed that there might be a risk of sepsis...The problem? Anyone working in Asia could have warned the docs that this probably wasn't "spontaneous". hmm...)

but after the abortion law passed with a suspiciously high percentage of yes votes, the full court press by the Irish gov't to punish believing catholics, by ordering doctors and hospitals to "provide the service"

And now, the pro abort pro gay ex president is going around saying that baptizing babies is wrong.

headup AnnAlthouse who comments:

The idea that adults should refrain from making decisions for a child isn't even coherent. To hold back from imposing any values is itself a decision. You might think it is best for a child to maintain a religion-free environment, but you could be wrong about that and why not go hysterical and call that too a violation of fundamental human rights?

a major persecution is about to happen, but hey, the bishops in Ireland are too busy promoting their gay friendly "family conference" to notice.

hell, they even invited this bigot to speak at their upcoming gay friendly divorce friendly francis mercy family meeting this August, at least until someone in the Vatican noticed it and stopped it.

who wudda thot? speaking truth to power in the Vatican? Wonder how long before that bozo in the Vatican finds he is demoted.

sorry, I am being sarcastic.

Related item about the crisis of faith at this Anglican site.

read the whole thing.

cultural marxism that twists the meaning of words and replaces holiness with the idea of political correctness.

The author suggests the Benedict option, of leaving the corrupt institutions to the catacombs and keeping the faith in stead of compromising, is now seen by him as an option.

Ah, but in the US, there is a danger that the less passive Christians fight back, and the long term predictions are not good.


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