Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Conspiracy theories

The BBC talk show yesterday on our tv was lamenting about Trumpieboy daring to tell Europe to pay for their own defense.

The broad in charge of the panel spouted all the anti Trump talking points, and essentially said they should ignore him because it will be business as usual after the next election.

Actually, their snotty anti American bias is not as bad as when Reagan was president (I lived in Africa and we got the news via the BBC shortwave). Reagan was a stupid cowboy who was going to start World War III.

Only one person mildly tried to explain American politics to her, but didn't do it forcibly.

Attention BBC:  a lot of Americans think: Why should I pay my hard earned money to keep you rich snotty European elites safe when you won't defend themselves?

And the isolationist feeling in America didn't start with Trumpieboy: President Obama was popular because he was also removing troops from overseas and told them to pay for their own defense. (UKtelegraph2016):

Mr Obama warned that states are failing to pay their “full share” of spending two per cent of GDP on the military. “I’ll be honest, sometimes Europe has been complacent about its own defence,” he said. 

But never mind. Must push memes.


The Federalist pushes back against the meme that Americans are losing their religion, and actually has the hard data from Harvard to prove it. pdf

what is happening is that the lukewarm are no longer going to church, but the believers are leaving lukewarm churches and going to churches where people actually believe and practice their faith.

don't tell the Pope this: He actually thinks his newfangled episcopal lite church is the way of the future.

Mainline churches are tanking... hemorrhaging members in startling numbers, but many of those folks are not leaving Christianity. They are simply going elsewhere...
The percentage of Americans who attend church more than once a week, pray daily, and accept the Bible as wholly reliable and deeply instructive to their lives has remained absolutely, steel-bar constant for the last 50 years or more, right up to today. These authors describe this continuity as “patently persistent.”
related item: Magister has a long article on another theologian who blasts the Pope's initiatives, including pointing out the shennanigans he used to push "change".

one thing is clear: that a large majority of the fathers had not developed the conviction to change the traditional discipline....
But - here is another small step - they drafted formulas of an indefinite tone that, while not providing for access to the sacraments, changed the atmosphere so to speak.
Thus the “non-opposition” to those hesitant formulas (which had trouble getting two thirds of the votes) was enough to allow another subsequent small step: a couple of ambiguous little footnotes in “Amoris Laetitia,” which do not affirm or deny but hint at a certain direction.
This further passage smashed the interpretive boundaries, until in the autumn of 2017 - another step - there came the pope’s official approval of the “Criteria” of the bishops of the region of Buenos Aires on chapter VIII of “Amoris Laetitia.”
But these criteria, if one is honest, are not a simple interpretation of “Amoris Laetitia.” They add and say things that are not to be found in “Amoris Laetitia” and that, above all, had never been approved at the synods and never would have been. […]

and this, of course, is just step one of the agenda to shift the Church  from being the bride of Christ proclaiming the good news, into becoming a NGO doing social work. and those groups pushing the PC agenda are organized, and funded by the new PC Francis loving bishops in the US. (if you read the link, notice the utopian marxist language used).

In effect, the Catholic church is in real danger of a schism, but the MSM cheerleaders won't mention this, or notice that this weakness in moral teachings are the reason behind the huge shift of Catholics in South American and the Philippines away from a church that pushes the green agenda/NWO/liberation theology, into evangelical churches that push actual Christian beliefs.

this is not new: Mother Angelica pushed back on this agenda in 1993.

Sorry if this bores you, but a schism in the church has a lot of geopolitical implications.

and the usual suspects are worried that it isn't fast enough.

heck the daily beast, a publication founded by a lady who lamented that if she moved out of NYC she might have to meet Christians (presumably she didn't see the invisible men and women around here: you know, the cops, cleaning ladies, nurses, clerks etc. who live in that city and attend chuch).
Now they laments that there are some believing Catholics around that are a big danger to America. 
Al Smith, call your office.

Conspiracy theory on the NWO planned takeover of the church. Yes, it's from a conservative Catholic site, but the speech was given by the former president of the Vatican bank.

he even dares to name names. NSSM200 anyone?


update: Father Z detects a conspiracy. or at least connections of Pope Francis with some very troubling people.

And he links to this troubling article on Catholic bioethics.

Many of Francis’ public statements on bioethics, especially as developed in Evangelii Gaudium, appear to adopt a weak postmodern position; that is, a position that avoids directly underscoring an objectively true moral-theological position.
Such a “weak theology” does not require Roman Catholicism to confront secular bioethics directly, much less to convert the world to Christ. This short paper outlines the dramatic change in framing context that Pope Francis proposes for Roman Catholic theology, which will also subtly but substantially change the character of Roman Catholic bioethical concerns. 

the Manafort kerfuffle is about smearing Trumpieboy, but the actual thing he is charged with predates Trump's run for the president of course.

so who is the "hapsburg group" and why were they bribed?

He was lobbying for a pro Russian president of the Ukraine, and paying bigshots in the European establishment to help.

I am not up on this, because I have a life, but you know, to us ordinary peons, 2 million Euros is a lot of loot.

 and whoops this conspiracy site got the memo that released some of the names of bigshots who took the loot.

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