Thursday, August 09, 2018

Family news

Ruby and Joy should be getting home from Manila tonite, where Joy was attending an agribusiness conference and Ruby partying with her cousins.

I am fighting a case of hives. I'm not sure what caused it, but the antihistamines made me sleepy so I checked with Dr. Danny, and he advised a course of prednisone.

I haven't been keeping up on the news lately: Same old thing recycled.

The six puppies are getting out of their box and starting to wander, so they got moved outside the bathroom into the hall. The hall is cement so easy to clean, but one does have to watch one's step.

Chano is busy at the farm.

we have had the usual monsoon rains, so although it is not that hot, I am keeping the airconditioner on low, mainly to keep down the humidity in the room but also to filter the pollen/dirt.

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