Wednesday, August 15, 2018

No need for the bible? (Millstones are sooo out of date)

the guy who runs the "salt and light" network for the bishops explains the pope is beyond the bible and tradition. After a week, someone said WTF, so the passage was removed.

Pope Francis breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is “free from disordered attachments.” Our Church has indeed entered a new phase: with the advent of this first Jesuit pope, it is openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of tradition plus Scripture

However, the internet is forever, so the article is posted HERE.

yes, even if one is an agnostic, from a practical standpoint, religious laws and legal traditions encode thousands of years of pragmatic experience.

and the Pope is not a dictator who can change God's law (he can change men's laws, i.e. minor stuff, but not God's laws).

and the scandals are just the tip of the iceburg on the sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Forget the "Pennsylvania" report (we lay folks already knew this stuff): the real bombshell is Richard Sipes letter can be found here.
those who were behind the report are still there, and unrepentant.

Best clueless comment? From the Altoona diocese spokesman:

Diocese Secretary for Communications, Tony DeGol, said the latest report is an opportunity for the voice of the victims to be heard...."Their stories need to be told. Many people have suffered greatly and people need to know about that suffering and most importantly the church and everyone else in society needs to learn from their suffering."
Everyone else needs to learn? WTF? So I am supposed to feel guilty that when the lay folks tried to get the bishop to pay attention to the abuse going on, we were ignored?

Steps taken since 2016 include a Diocesan Office of Children and Youth Protection, an independent oversight board, educational training programs and ongoing victim/survivor assistance.\
yup. Another oversight bureaucracy will do the trick.

No talk of sin or evil here, folks, just move along.

update Pennsylvania report here. 

before this hit, Kathleen Kane publicized the atrocities in the Altoona/Johnstown/State College area LINK report here.

Timeline HERE.

we layfolks knew what was going on back in the late 1990's.

2003 story shows that the local papers were reporting on the problem, so it's not exactly new. More HERE. and HERE.

and it says a lot that the DA who helped break the case was eventually convicted after leaking information to the press about another case, but the bishops remain free.

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