Friday, October 19, 2018

Quote of the day

 “He may take away my friends. He may throw me among strangers. …” (Newman’s prayer.)...

On my walk home this evening I saw a panhandler with a dog. He also had an iPhone, which he was diligently consulting. Even the beggars in this city are computerized! And there are places where anyone can go to get warm. Food is available for the harder cases; Guvmint Nanny has programmes for that. What the poorest of the poor in fact lack, is any sense of belonging....
 But no, no one does: for there is God, and inmost grace, in gladness or in sorrow. It is there when it is sought, never failing; as a nest or lair, which one may make cozy; and within, a soul which God created, and can never be thrown away. “He has not created me for naught. …”
 Consider the matter in its eternal dimension. For, “When I get home there will be tea.”

from an essay by David Warren, about those of us who are old and alone:

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