The instruction to delay consideration of a new code of conduct for bishops and the creation of a lay-led body to investigate bishops accused of misconduct came directly from the Holy See, DiNardo told a visibly surprised conference hall.
DiNardo said that the Holy See insisted that consideration of the new measures be delayed until the conclusion of a special meeting called by Pope Francis for February. That meeting, which will include the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences, will address the global sexual abuse crisis...and while DiNardo was trying to explain this in nice diplomatic language without saying: WTF IS THE VATICAN DOING TO US, one of the inner circle of the friends of McCarrick butted in.
While DiNardo was still speaking, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago intervened from the floor, expressing his support for the pope.this is not about schtupping their housekeepers or women coming to them for counseling. Nor is this about priests, both gay and heterosexual, who keep their vows. Nor is this about priests with same sex attraction who have an isolated lapse and repent of it and afterward keep their vows.
This is about sociopath predators who prey on children, but more often prey on young underaged teenagers and vulnerable young men of legal age but who are under their authority... and then, when they are "caught" (and many are not), having the bishops and the diocesan bureaucrats cover for them out of sympathy, as if it was a simple isolated lapse...or worse, covering up the episode because they worry about a lawsuit and bad publicity.
Andrew Greeley pointed this out years ago, and also pointed out that if they did this with a woman, they'd quickly be thrown out, whereas if they did it with older teenagers or young men, the deeds were ignored, and if they did it with underage boys, often they were treated sympathetically and sent to be "cured" by psychiatry.
But we aren't talking about a single lapse in a good person struggling with same sex attraction: We are talking about serial predators who manipulate both their victims and for years have manipulated the naive bishops and the psychiatrists who treated them to give them another chance, over and over again.
And when one of these sociopaths get into power, and appoint their friends to high office, the damage is greater. Who dares to accuse them when they are guilty of similar activities?
McCarrick hasn't made any public apology or show of repentance, but that hasn't stopped his friends from trying to minimize what he did.
Example: Crux has an article where the head of Notre Dame University actually says: don't call McCarrick a monster.
Yet befitting an Oxford-educated philosopher, Jenkins also sees complexity in the abuse crisis, including something few people want to say out loud right now: “There’s a tendency, and I don’t think it’s a helpful tendency in this kind of situation, to turn the perpetrators into monsters.”
,,, “[The tendency is] just to imagine that they are thoroughly corrupt people, but the problem is that it’s not true. It’s a part of their lives that is deeply problematic, but another part that is not. And that’s why it’s so hard to identify the problem, and sometimes, that person doesn’t seem to see the problem,” he told Crux in an exclusive interview Nov. 5.
Ah, but McCarrick had a clique around him who he helped get ahead in their careers, while molesting the seminarians under his authority.
so going back to the bishop's meeting: what had the bishops proposed?
Not asking the guilty bishops to repent in sack cloth and ashes, after they resign and proclaim sorrow for their sins, but regulations and committees of course.
Or as CWReport describes the proposals:
just to be clear: expectations from the US bishops’ Fall meeting were generally low already. The proposals on the table amounted to things the bishops admit they should have been doing all along — indeed, things that no morally competent individual or group could fail to do as a matter of course.
The measures were a code of conduct that CNA’s editor-in-chief, JD Flynn, described as “a seven-page document in which bishops promise to do things they’re mostly obliged already to do,” and a reporting mechanism that had no real teeth and no real funding mechanism.One would think that the exposes on the Cardinal from Washington DC who everyone (including many in the secular media) knew was a sexual predator of young men would at least be a "headsup" to change their ways.
So what about those who he harmed? Where are the whistle blowers?
(there are some: I remind you of how they were treated in the Altoona diocese...nor was it just in Altoona, if one believes the author of Goodbye Good men.)
Maureen Mallarkey sarcastically puts it this way:
This past July, James Martin S.J., rationalized the silence of McCarrick’s lambs:
sound familiar?Cardinal McCarrick was also one of the most powerful men in the U.S. church, the bishop of one of the major sees in the universal church and a personal friend of several popes. What could saying something about him do to your career?
For what does it benefit a person who gains the world but loses his soul?
From Catholic world report about the bishop of the latest scandal: The 60 minutes expose:
so why is there silence?
Not a single one of Bishop Malone’s confreres has publicly corrected him, let alone called for his resignation. We continue to hear from some quarters the pious platitudes about the “good bishops” who love their people. If one of them were good, he would denounce his brethren for their cravenness. He would rend his vestments. He would don sackcloth and ashes and do penance. He would say what he knows, or reasonably suspects...
They are afraid of being expelled from the club — or worse — having spoken, of becoming a pariah within Cardinal Vigano, Cardinal Burke, the "dubia" bishops who asked why the Pope supports adultary, and the bishop of Kazakhstan, they are in limbo.
And just in case, someone in the Vatican is now censoring the news by certifying only certain sites, and those who don't go along with it are considered as "fake news" (the next step: taken off line for "hate speech"?)
So the good bishops (and there are some) know there is a problem and are trying to clean up the place.
but corrupt bureaucrats in the Vatican (and maybe the Pope) and the McCarrick clique is busy stopping them from doing anything.
How bad is it? Well even Milo has a new book telling the Pope off.
He should know: he was molested as a teenager in the UK.
you can't isolate sexual sin from other areas of your life: It spills over into winking at all sins while making the mass into an insipid waste of time.
This is one reason that many Catholics have left the church and given up the faith altogether, and why many others, including many Hispanic immigrants have left the church for churches that actually preach the gospel
Peter Damian call your office: The Pope needs to be corrected.
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