Thursday, December 27, 2018

Academia studies the really really imortant cultural trends

From Improbable Research:

a list of academic studies of my little Pony.

here is one example:

● It’s Ok to be joyful? My Little Pony and Brony masculinity, pp. 111-118(8). Author: Mikko Hautakangas (University of Tampere)
“Bronies, the adult male fans of the animated television series My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic (2010–), have raised controversy in public discussions and on the Internet: male interest in something so obviously non-masculine seems to call for some kind of explanation, for instance, as a sexual subculture or as one more ironic 

and this article is about classical influences on the ponysphere

 The classical world is 20 per cent cooler: Greco-Roman pegasi in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, pp. 135-143(9). Author: Jen Cresswell  (University of St Andrews)

of course, such studies are not limited to the ponysphere: The article also links to other esoteric fandoms:

Also see:Recent progress in Wonder Woman studiesRecent progress in Kung Fu Panda studiesRecent progress in Quidditch studies (part 3)

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