Sunday, January 13, 2019

Supermen live forever

I have discussed the idea of putting one's brain architecture into a computer or robot, and noted that essentially this is not giving you eternal life, but merely making the robot your identical twin.

Your soul still dies.

But Spengler notes:

The popular writer Yuval Harari, a favorite of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama, prophesies that we will make ourselves into science-fiction caricatures of ourselves. In a recent interview, the best-selling author declared:
Given the current pace of technological development, it is possible we destroy ourselves in some ecological or nuclear calamity. The more likely possibility is that we will use bioengineering and machine learning and artificial intelligence either to upgrade ourselves into a totally different kind of being or to create a totally different kind of being that will take over. In any case, in 200 or 300 years, the beings that will dominate the Earth will be far more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees.

yup. And guess what that means for the rest of us lowly peons. Sigh.

Spengler goes on to conpare their fake quest to that of the ancient pharoahs who forced their peasants to build huge pyramids and temples with 50 foot statues of themselves to gain eternal life:

Our new pharaohs believe in methods to achieve immortality as silly as the old ones. And they entertain such fantasies for the same reason: They want to make themselves into immortal gods who have no more constraint on the satisfaction of their appetites than the rapacious, concupiscent and murderous gods of ancient paganism.... 
Ah but the religion of Silicon valley has no gods, and to make things worse, one new "religion" of Silicon valley is the fad of expanding one's consciouness with psychodelics. 


Yes, let the diabolic/the "demons of the id" take over your life and life in complete freedom from all rules.

What's wrong with this picture?

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