Thursday, February 28, 2019

Good News story of the day:

Asia News: 02/27/2019, 13.34
JAPAN  Tokyo,

at birth he weighed 268gr: the smallest premature baby in the world He fit in the hands of an adult, but now weighs 3,238 pounds and feeds normally.

more at the Asahi Shimbum (Asahi news):

The infant, born in August, was sent home Feb. 20 from Keio University Hospital in Tokyo, making him the world’s lightest-ever newborn boy to be discharged in good health.
 “To be honest, I even didn’t know whether my baby could survive,” said the 29-year-old mother of the infant. “I’m just so happy.” 
The baby was urgently delivered at 24 weeks by Caesarean section, as his slow weight gain put him at high risk of death in his mother’s womb. After receiving a course of drip intravenous injections and other treatments, the thriving infant became able to drink milk on his own. 

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