Photo of Joy graduation from a local business course.
Ruby also finished her high school exams in Canada and is now a graduate, but will visit friends before coming here in ten days.
No graduations photos yet.
Kuya is busy at the farm: The monsoon rains are here, so it is time to plow the weeds under in the mud and add fertilizer (usually chicken manure, since we are organic) and minerals to prepare the fields for the rice seedlings...
So far, the roof is not leaking, which is good news for me: I no longer have to move the bed to the side so I am not rained on.
The bad news? the young white dog ("Baby") decided to have her puppies under the front steps: We filled it with rocks, because other dogs have done this, but apparently she dug a hole in front of the rocks under the walkway, so we couldn't reach in to move her puppies to a safer place. So when the rains came yesterday (a torrential shower that lasted an hour) we heard her barking hysterically.
She did get the two puppies to higher ground, but the water was rising...
We couldn't reach the Puppies so we blocked the stream of water that was running into her hole while trying unsuccessfully to get her to bring her babies out. Our soil is volcanic, and the topsoil is thin (Lolo bought and laid river soil on top of the garden so things would grow). So the soil under the steps apparently absorbed the water fast, thank the Lord, and this morning she is now happily feeding her two puppies.
and our 4 month old puppie is going with Joy's cousins to their farm in nearby Bulacan.
She was a great puppy, but between her and her 1 year old brother, you couldn't leave anything on the floor or it got chewed up (we traditionally leave our shoes outside the door here).
That leaves us with 2 elderly dogs, four medium sized dogs, and the new born puppies to keep us safe.
as for the cats: Squeaker is nursing her kitties in the bodega next door, and MamaCat is pregnant again. Mamacat tends to have kids in the kitchen area, even when I keep moving them to a safer place. In the kitchen, the dogs promptly kill them: we hope she finds a safer place to keep them this time.
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