yeah. they were so busy worrying about hurting people's feelings that they don't try to help them.
The professor said later in the conversation with Barron that what's required to really help people today is a “reemphasis on the potential nobility of the human being and the moral responsibility to make that nobility a reality.” “We're built for nobility,” Peterson said. Barron pointed out that people today are “so concerned about people's feelings and about feelings getting hurt” that they’re “afraid if we use that language of a ‘noble’ aspiration” that calls people to something better and higher.
The idea that the church is a hospital for sinners is correct, but you know: in hospitals and doctor's offices we intervene and correct when needed.
As a doc, I have to tell people to stop smoking, to stop drinking, the risks of sleepig around, what type of foods are good or bad for them, etc etc. It doesn't mean I abandon them if they don't do it, but it does mean that I don't pretend what they are doing is good for them.
headsup Lifesite
full video HERE
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