Sunday, July 21, 2019

(Toxic) Masculinity back in style

So now the whiners at the NYTimes are complaining that sure, the US placed men on the moon, but hey, they were men (full test pilots, not unqualified pilots who were women like Russian space program chose for propaganda purposes).

And what is worse: They were "white" men.

not like the Soviet Union, that had more "diversity" in their space program.

The editorial was written by a woman non scientist, of course.

As Screenwriter Roger Simon points out:

The author, Sophie Pinkham, a doctoral candidate in Slavic Languages, would have to know what these enlightened "multi-culti" Soviets did, in the interest of "equality," just a scant year before the U.S. landed on the moon — invade Czechoslovakia, crushing "Prague Spring."
... She also wrote, "Cosmonaut diversity was key for the Soviet message to the rest of the globe: Under socialism, a person of even the humblest origins could make it all the way up."
Ah, diversity — the new religion. As long as they can put a "person of color" — also, of course, mentioned in the article — or from the proletariat in space, everything else is excused. Even the Gulag Archipelago. Even the Purge Trials. Even Beria. Even the Plot Against the Doctors. Even Stalin's mass starvation of millions of Ukrainians known as the Holodomor. Even the incarceration of Sakharov and the Refuseniks that was going on before, after, and during the cosmonaut program, etc., etc.

In the US, test pilots were chosen because they were trained to cope with emergencies.

Later, they did recruit women (and minorities) when more astronauts were needed, and the risks were less, and science experiments became part of the job. And of course women did fine, including women who piloted the Shuttle.

But women did work behind the scenes (guess she missed Hidden Figures). But the main problem was in the "unenlightened" day of the 1960s, putting women into risky situations was still looked down upon. Because pregnancy. 

Feminism is about never having to say you are pregnant and might need protecting.

Women made great pilots: in WWII they taught men to fly and  flew the planes over the dangerous arctic great circle route to England, which required more skill than many of the pilots who went on bombing missions.

Now things are better of course. 

Top Gun II might be celebrating toxic masculinity, but hey there will be women pilots too.  Because it's more fun to fly a plane and take risks on motorcycles and get an adrenalin rush than to change diapers.

 But of course, it's not just the women who have other less glamourous work to do that is rarely celebrated. Mavarick might be having all the fun, but it is the mechnics, the cooks, the cleaners, the factory workers, the engineers, and the support staff who work behind the scenes in less glamourous jobs are equally important.

Let them get careless, the your plane will literally fall out of the sky.

or blow up Arkansas...

 Strategy Page has an article on why people died because Boeing got sloppy: And that the AirForce told them there was a problem with "quality control" a year before the Civilian airliners crashed.

But now I guess scientific exactitude is not PC. We women in science had no problem with the exactitude, but hey, the feminists insisted the evil environment of strict precision and exactitude was "hostile" for us.

this idea that laxness with good intentions means never having to say you are sorry has infiltrated other institutions:

Father Z posts one of the prayers for today:

direct translation:

they may persevere always in your commands with vigilant watchfulness.

newer translation: No diligence, but hey, at least we are allowed to be " be ever watchful in keeping your commands."


Diligence means hard work. The modern translations let out that "diligent" part. Because mercy, I guess.


somewhat off topic, but Father Z links to a hilarious parody of a Trump speech: if Trump ran for Pope.  from the ACCN website.

Toxic masculinity at it's best.

If you are Catholic, or someone who knows about the degeneration of the church due to modernism, put down your coffee first then read the whole thing.

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