Friday, November 15, 2019

Sweetness and light (bah humbug)

no, it's not about the impeachment.

It's about this

whenever anyone brings up Wuerl, my blood pressure goes up: NOT because of his close association with pedophile McCarrick, but because he did nothing while bishop of Pittsburgh when I lived in the Altoona area in the 1990s, at a time when conservative (usually Democratic) blue collar Catholics were leaving the church en mass over the abuse coverups, and when every gay in western Pennsylvania knew about priests cruising the bars, (how bad was it: some gays I knew were scandalized about it. I mean it's one thing to find a bar safe to socialize in, it's another to find your priest there making a pass at you.)

and then there is the Pope and his magic statue, which morphs from Mama Mary to Mother Gaia to an Incan idol that rerpesents a earth goddess who used to get kids sacrificed to bribe her to stop volcanoes.

This, like the Pope's response to the "dubia" questions (about divorce and remarriage and receiving communion while living in sin), or did he really say Jesus wasn't God, and he didn't actually rise from the dead, or if he said there is no hell, etc etc.

The answers keep changing. he gives a nice speech that is orthodox Catholicism, but never corrects what previous press reports he said elsewhere...causing confusion, and if you object, well, you are wrong.

There is a word for this: Gaslighting.

and yes, I am listening to ann Barnhardt again....
things must be bad because what she is saying almost sounds logical.

I should add that no, I didn't care for any of the victims of Catholic priests, but when I was in private practice, as the only woman doc in town, I saw most of the young underaged girls in the area who had been abused ....

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