Saturday, November 02, 2019

Swine flu

PhysOrg has an article on the epidemic of African Swine flu, which could kill one quarter of all pigs in the world.

right now it is killing pigs in Asia, which is bad news because with the increase in prosperity here people want to eat more meat. 

CNN report from last February LINK.

Forbes says this could be good for US pig exporters.

it is spread by direct contact, or by pigs eating contaminated garbage with infected scraps.

We have cases of it here: despite a ban on importing pork from affected countries (which get smuggled in anyway).

And wild boars carry it too: remember all those nature films extolling the DMZ between the Koreas are getting filled with wildlife? Well, that includes wild bores carrying the virus from the north. As a result, South Korea has employed snipers to kill them.

the good news: this strain of African swine flu is not being spread to humans. 

At least so far.

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