Friday, January 31, 2020


So I checked out the BBC website today, and guess what? Brexit is not among the major stories.

a secondary search has a short video by a German commenting that Boris is a tough guy, but no details.

Lots of Wuhan hysteria, Trumpieboy reports (one sided for some reason, duh), and a report that the Palestinians will reject the long discussed peace plan that Trump has presented (meaning the BBC will oppose it of course) and don't notice that the Arab countries are behind it too, and then we see the PC question of the day: Is visiting strip clubs anti feminist?

but after five minutes searching the site, we find this article that tells us what will happen with Brexit: obvious stuff including that the EU delegates from GB will lose their seats in the EU parliement. DUH.

Here is the funniest speech about what Brexit means.

actually, I suspect what was the last straw that made ordinary folks to back Brexit wasn't immigration or racism: it was how some nameless bureaucrat banned the beloved British Tea kettles in the name of energy efficiency.

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