Friday, February 21, 2020

Criminal justice reform?

There is an old Vulcan proverb: Only Nixon can go to China.

So as I was perusing you tube, I came across a live feed of Trumpieboy discussing criminal justice reform, and giving out diplomas for those who retrained.


so I checked the newsfeed of google, and found most of the articles were about Democratic candidates who promised to do these reforms.

and according to the MSM, all of those "amnesties" he gave out were to rich white Republicans (except for the ones lower in the list who weren't).

But the dirty little secret is that Trump, with a bipartisan Congress, passed such reforms already.

From the CrimeReport:

Trump’s mention of the First Step Act — a criminal justice reform bill that included sentencing and reentry reform — was one of the few items to bring Democrats to their feet during his State of the Union address....
 Some have characterized bipartisan reform as a façade for meaningless political pandering, or decried it for being too limited in its scope. This is a shortsighted analysis.
the article goes into details.

Not my area of expertise, but you know, this is ignored in the MSM, but people do tend to notice if such programs helps one of their own, or someone who they know.

and my prediction is that Trumpieboy will pull another rabbit out of his hat and instigate "worker visas" for Mexicans and Central Americans (and Indians and Filipinos) who want jobs and have skills needed in the work place, but only after he builds the wall and arranges a way for illegal immigrants who are working already to get a Green card.

despite all the rhetoric against him, he is a pragmatic businessman whose expertise is to solve problems.

and with the booming economy, there is a worker shortage in the USA.

By discouraging the exploitation of undocumented immigrants (who will take lower wages and not ask for benefits), it has resulted in jobs for working class Americans of all races.

So this will lower black, Hispanic, and poor white unemployment.

But if things continue to improve, there will be a need for more workers. So start recruiting from overseas.

 Why not? A million Filipinos work on similar visas in the Middle East, and if the Saudis/UAE etc. can set up such recruitment for workers, the USA will be able to do the same.

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