Sunday, March 22, 2020

huh? deliver, no return

we got the permits to do a delivery of rice to our customers in Manila, but if the drivers go there to do a delivery, they won't be allowed back into our town due to a strict quarantine order.


We are waiting to figure out a solution. In the "good old days' (/s) you would just give a small gift to the cop, but alas both Duterte and our mayor have been cleaning up the bad cops as part of the war on drugs and corruption, so that's no longer a solution.

however, I should point out that we sell gourmet organic brown rice.

The good news is that the government has enough ordinary rice stored in the capital region for ordinary folks to eat.

and the number of cases in the Philippines is still low, but then, I suspect a lot of cases were never seen or tested.

Or maybe the hot, dry sunny air partly destroys the virus and keeps down the spread.


Dilbert points out a lot of the "panic" stories with criticism are the norm in business: There is always a lot of people complaining that the boss is an idiot.

Sounds about right


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