For example, the press laughed and ran with the story that Kpop fans sabotaged Trumpieboy's rally in Tulsa. (conservative sites are full of comments by folks who went but couldn't get in because protesters blocked doors,were ignored).
What's wrong with this picture?
Uh, even a couple of thousand k-pop girls couldn't do one million requests, unless they used bots. And only Dilbert notes that this escapade was done from a Chinese site named tiktoc and he notes that if Russian ads on Facebook was touted as Russian interference in the last election, so too should this should be reported as Chinese interference in the election. mp3 here.
that's not the only place where Chinese bots are distorting the news, often via twitter and other "social media" sites:
CBS story on Chinese bots pushing disinformation about wuhanflu on twitter.
They found that 82% of the top 50 influential retweets are bots, and 62% of the top 1,000 retweeters are bots, too.the chinese bots are posting disinformation and conspiracy theories on Twitter, in order to push distrust of authorities.
but of course, not all that disinformation can be blamed on Chinese bots: the MSM is reporting an "upsurge" in batflu numbers in the Tulsa area, blaming the rally, even though this report was before the rally, and these stories continue even though the incubation period hasn't passed yet.
As I have noted before: if you believe the numbers from third world countries, you are a fool.
and not just from the third world: the press "reports" the numbers of cases that China claims as if those claims were true. so do we believe them, or do we believe Steve Bannon? (/sarcasm) I checked out Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, and found nobody was talking about new cases? Hmm... I wonder why?
Maybe because China punished that site
Top internet watchdog, the Cyberspace Administration of China, said in a post on its verified WeChat Account it had reprimanded Weibo for “interfering with online communication order, disseminating illegal information and other problems”.
you see my point: So what is the truth? Remember, China kicked out western reporters months ago.
so for most of the news about the numbers of batflu cases is fake news, because "GIGO": garbage in garbage out".
And then people wonder why the news is distrusted.
there is a (reportedly corrupt) Chinese millionaire, Guo Wengui, who is exiled and fighting China. Politico has a story on him here. And his news site is Here.
in February this article claims he said that China was underestimating the batflu deaths and reported large numbers of bodies being cremated. That article is critical of him, saying that he is exaggerating it and he has spread such wild rumors in the past, but if you read the entire article, deep inside you see this sentence:
so who do you believe? China's dismissal of this crazy guy, or your lying eyes
The rising sulfur dioxide levels in the air surrounding Wuhan and other coronavirus-plagued Chinese cities corroborate Guo’s claims.
so now that crazy Jeremiah, Ann Barnhardt, picked up a twitter thread about his report saying that the Vatican's China deal was due to a 2 billion dollar bribe to the Vatican.
well, duh.
Ann is big at finding dirt on the Vatican and she has found the dirt behind the Philippine cardinal who is being pushed for the next pope, and is known to be friendly with China and in favor of the Chinese takeover of the Catholic church there. But she also say (?source) he has casino debts in Macau that make him vulnerable to blackmail. True? Who knows. The press reports him as smiling and loving, but watching the guy on youtube makes my skin crawl, but hey, maybe that's just me.
and while checking on Wengui's news site, I ran into a report that the Canadian scientist Frank Plummer, who had ties with the Wuhan lab died "suddenly" at a conference in Kenya (he is an HIV expert but some have connected him with the Wuhan lab). CBC report here. So what does this have to do with Wuhan flu? GreatGameIndia site has a report on the connection here.
What is not mentioned in the CBC report however is that Plummer worked in the same National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, Canada from where Chinese Biowarfare agent Xiangguo Qiu and her colleagues smuggled SARS Coronavirus to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology where it is believed to have been weaponized and leaked.this type of stuff is all over youtube (and now being censored, so many have fled to less reputable sites). And of course, if you dare to point fingers at China, you are a racist so that discourages neutral reporting.
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