Tuesday, June 02, 2020

That's how you got Nixon

I am not blogging on the riots because I lived through the 1960s, and this time, like back then, there was a plan to use riots for a revolution. 

In other words, the peaceful demonstrations were infiltrated by provacateurs, who had openly bragged their agenda would be a revolution. 

And many students/young people joined them because it was "popular" and everyone was doing it, and hey it was fun to demonstrate and throw things, and hey, it was a way to meet girls/boys and hey, it made you feel like you were superior to other people, and hey, it made your parents mad.

And what happened? You got Nixon. 

and a couple million dead VietNamese, Cambodians, and Hmong folk after the communists took over, but never mind. By that time, a new fad came around and no one noticed.

the same thing is happening now, squared. 

No, I didn't get this idea from Q (although they noted the Antifa training going on) but Heinlein: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,  a book about how to start a revolution.

Back in the 1960s the FBI had infiltrated a lot of the 'opposition" anti war groups and had photos. I suspect the same here. 

This makes me a bit uncomfortable: especially since the abuses of privacy in the last 20 years and the internet have ballooned. Is big brother watching you? And are people in the law enforcement organizations conspiring to convict people? Again, nothing new here. Look up "DeLoreon".

the problem is that it means innocent people just minding their own business can be spied on because... because why? because they can,, and they can use minor things to justify their spying.

For example, during the 1960s, I went to a prayer meeting where the FBI was sitting outside monitoring us because an anti war activist was there, so presumably they have me on record. 

On the other hand, one wonders if the FBI has gotten more efficient in these things:  because another indicted anti war activist lived next door to me, and no one cared. Presumably they've gotten more efficient, but maybe not: Q suggests they resemble the Keystone cops more than the Gestapo. Despite what you read of Q, most of their posts go this way: Look here. this is what is going on. But don't worry: we have it covered be patient. So I suspect Q is not about starting a race war, but trying to calm down the good old boys who would like to start a revolution.

Another reason I am not getting involved: It was murder. Incompetence, poor training, anger, or whatever, it was murder.

The choke hold can be fatal, due to vaso vagal syncope and a cardiac arrhytmia which could be fatal...

and if you compress the carotids, and the person has a congenital defect in the circle of willis, he might not just lose consciousness but die. 

Scott Adams, who lost his step son to Fentanyl, points out that the presence of Fentanyl may have contributed to his death due to positional obstruction during Fentanyl apnea, a common way for these addicts to die. So if he was acting as if he was under the influence of drugs, care for the airway during restraint should have been done.

The problem is that in all three cases, the autopsy will miss it.

The high number of deaths from the choke hold resulted in a spate of deaths, mostly in black males, a dozen years ago, so I was under the impression that the cops no longer were allowed to restrain people this way. But apparently Minneapolis didn't get the news, since this paper had an article saying that this type of restraint had been used 44 times in the last 6 years in that city.

Another reason to suspect there is a lack of basic training in Minneapolis: A white Australian woman was killed a few years back for essentially nothing. What made it worse, the cop involved was a Somali.

Like a lot of deaths in "no knock" raids, or where a simple raid or check results in someone being shot, or their dog being shot, it is over reaction. 

I sympathize with cops who never know when someone will try to shoot them, but as someone way back in the Clinton administration said: We need safer bullets. 

That got a lot of laughs, but I wonder if it isn't true.


Finally, all the kerfuffle makes me angry. It is being used to gin up support for the upcoming election. Not just the way that the press is covering it. not just subtle use of the passive voice as if fires started themselves or injuries just happened without a cause, but actual lying. Baghdad Bob type lying: it's a peaceful demonstration just ignore the fire and looting you are seeing behind me.

But I have gotten an email from the Democrats abroad asking me to post on twitter and facebook my photo with one of their Black Lives matter posters. 

Uh, BLM is a partisan group lavishly funded by someone or other. But this email just confirms that their agenda is either directed by or cooperating with the Democratic party to win the next election.

I would post sympathy with the community, or with the guy's family or fellow church members, but not a partisan group who is more about politics than justice. 

and what angers me about this is that BLM is essentially endangering the black community, destroying their stores and houses, and destroying race relations. Why? To keep the black community to vote for the Democrats, which they are doing anyway. And to keep the pro abort feminists and the SJW left inflamed against normal people, which they are anyway.

and instead of trying to nominate a moderate Democrat, they are morphing an old fashioned middle of the road political hack into a far left activist, ignoring that he is simply too old for the job (so is Trumpieboy and Hillary, but never mind). Of course, one suspects the plan is to get a very left wing VP who will take over, and voila, the extreme left has won.

Given that Soros, the Pope, and others are going around saying an essential change has to be done due to (choose which one you like) global warming, covid virus, the coming world depression, etc. you can see where this is going.

Personally, I think the Pope is an asshole  but nevermind: but his using religion and Jesus for political ends  makes you wonder if those conspiracy sites might have a point. The aim is a one world order, and a one world mushy religion of egotism, with them in charge, instead of locals governing themselves.

And in the meanwhile, China thinks they can take over the resources inside the borders of Philippines, VietNam, Malaysia, while threatening Taiwan, and parts of India.


so anyway, nothing I can do here but keep all of this in my prayers.

update: TeaAtTrianon, a blogger/historian who wrote a book about Marie Antoinette and the lies that were unjustly aimed at her as a way to push their utopian revolution;

Here she quotes several writers excoriating those who prefer to play politics and divide and scapegoat ordinary folks as the enemy...

I especially like this quote, since as an ex missionary, I know what good bishops can do when confronted with those sowing division and violence. And it's not quoting memes that ignore reality and sow hatred so they can win brownie points from their friends in the media.

From The Remnant:
But where, Church leaders, were you? Hiding in your plush residences away from the unlawful street mayhem. And then, after the President acts in your places, running to the media for your own photo ops to denigrate the President and express false pieties.

Why weren’t you, instead of President Trump, standing in front of your Churches with Bibles held high and proclaiming that this Book provides the answers for justice, not senseless mayhem and destruction?

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