So it's okay to attack POC if she is Asian?
Ah, but because it's a Phil Am and Filipinas don't count, and besides she's a Republican?
BLM attacks on Asian American stores are making Asians "soul search" their embrace of "white supremacy" or something?
uh, nope.
the dirty little secret is that a lot of hard working immigrants look down on Americans of any colour who whine about oppression by those who work hard. And just ignore the culture of woke that sees nothing wrong with drugs and promiscuity, and even neglect their families because hey, promiscuity is fun ("who am I to judge" is their meme), and thinks abortion and euthanasia are the best thing since sliced bread, (translation: because who wants a kid or to take care of grandmom when you could be out partying)?
Actually, in my experience working among the inner city and rural poor, a lot of people act this way but ironically few actually think that way.
However, the intellectual class is pushing these ideas so alas there are the brain washed college students who actually believe these intellectual fads, and now are being taught to also disdain hard work, honesty, logic, and strict family values because...whiteness. Ergo these ideas need to be destroyed.
reality check please;
I seem to remember reading Confucius taught these things long before Europe became civilized, but never mind.
As for the scientific method (the next "western" idea that the woke plan to destroy), I hate to tell them: Mathematics (Algebra and arabic numbers anyone?) and building (engineering programs e.g. irrigation) have been alive and well in the Middle East, South Asian countries, and China since before 3000 BCE
and of course, the importance of the family as the basic unit of society (and keeping the family strong via strict rules about family responsibilities) is also the basis of both Islamic and Confucian values (and Hispanic values, and African values and Native American values for that matter).
Ah, but what about capitalism?
Does this mean the disdain of those who work hard and running a business?
notice who owns those shops being destroyed? Not all are "white" (whatever that means: I am so old that I remember that Irish Catholics, Italians, and Jews were not considered white, and indeed up to 1960 my medical school had quotas to keep these types out of their classes).
of course, the definition of "White" keeps expanding, so east and south Asians are white, as are many from Latin America.
Indeed, it looks like hard working South Asians and East Asians and Pakistani and African and West Indians, and Hispanic, and Somali entrepeneurs are looked down on, and their children shamed to think they shouldn't follow the teaching of Moses, Paul, or Confucius, (or Mohammed for that matter: He was a businessman) , because capitalism, which has lifted a couple billion folks out of poverty over the last century, is evil, not a noble profession that allows you to benefit both your family and your workers and customers.
the present day Marxist Riots are about promoting hatred and destroying civilization, not about learning about different cultures and showing that they all have a lot in common with each other, or that all cultures teach children directly or by example those moral habits that help people live a quiet life and be able to support their families.
AsianDawn summarizes the destruction but the article is from June 3, so probably needs to be updated -------------------
so where are the bishops and pastors preaching ethical living, instead of placating the mob that encourages destruction and hatred?
Well, when the leaders fail, it is left to the least likely people to do this.
the freedom does not come from an election. The freedom comes from you not loading up pornography. The freedom comes from you not taking the Percocet. The freedom comes from you not doubting your brother and your sister. The freedom comes from you putting that gun down and not shooting people at the gas station. It has nothing to do with this election. It only has to do with God and God’s people...
He set pause for us to take a moment and breathe and not TikTok ourselves out. He sent pause for us, now we have a moment to breathe. It has nothing to do with black, white, rich, poor, red, blue, Native American, pilgrim. It has to deal with being truthful to what God has."Yup. that's Kanye. And he even says the forbidden thing to his audience: That abortion kills a baby.
I wanted to show everyone… exactly what the six month baby that is legal to be destroyed in [inaudible] looked like.....
So let’s say when the baby is conceived, at that point it is a soul. It is a real, living thing. That six month year old baby, that’s a real living thing. Do we agree that that was a real baby? That six month old baby?...
My stance is not to make abortion illegal at all... In 2020, abortion should be legal, but the option of maximum increase should be available. Maximum increase would be everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars, or something like that.and that pregnant woman needing money should have the child subsidized.
Fine with me. That's common in Europe.
(and for those of you who cry "socialism", just remember how Winston Churchill supported many basic social programs: he defended milk for poor children, for example, and quipped: I can't think of a better investment than putting milk into the mouth of babes")
But emphasizing the baby's daddy should have a well paying job and take care of her and the baby will help more than just a check....and if Trumpie boy is not exactly a good example for living an ethical life, he is nevertheless good at what he does: Making jobs for people while making a profit for himself.
update: The press is claiming Kanye is manic again. Just so you know.
and finally: the Multicultural Polka!
so is Polka multicultural? Well, maybe.
my Colombian born sons loved to listen to the radio's polka hour, saying it reminded them of Colombian music.
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