Friday, August 07, 2020

davos agenda

For later watching.  Sort of a summary of conspiracy theories.

The virus supposed to do this actually was bird flu which about3 years ago was in danger of morphing into an epidemic with a higher mortality, because epidemics happen.

But the globalists plans have been around for decades...remember global cooing? The population bomb? Even the export of jobs was a plan to lift China etc out of poverty. (Robert Reich The Work of Nations and Barnett's book the Pentagon's NewMap predicted how globalization worked)

I tend to support globalism, and figure the big shots always plan how to run the world, so I just shrug. I am a doctor, not an economist, and despite it's flaws, globalism has lifted much of the world out of poverty.

But I do worry about the church discarding the gospel and the ten commandments to fit in with the plans. Pope JP2 cooperated with these groups to try to influence them, wheras Pope Francis seems to be letting these types into the Vatican bureaucracy to change the church.

Sigh. Lots of harsh pushback from beliving Catholics on this, but alas too often they are sowing strife and arguing with each other over changing externals rather than noticing the real problem...holiness.

I am working my way through Cardinal Sarah's book, and he lays out the problem in a more subtle way...the church is about telling people that life has an ultimate meaning, not just as doing good deeds....this article gives part of his argument

In the face of death, there is no human response that can hold. Only the hope of eternal life can surpass the scandal of death. But who is the man who will dare to preach hope? It takes the revealed word of God to dare to believe in a life without end. It takes a word of faith to dare to hope for oneself and one's family.
The Catholic Church is therefore called back to its primary responsibility. ...
But if that is so, the Church must change. She must stop being afraid of causing shock and of going against the tide. She must give up thinking of herself as a worldly institution. She must return to her only “raison d'être”: faith. The Church is there to announce that Jesus conquered death through His resurrection. This is at the heart of her message: “And if Christ has not been raised, then empty too is our preaching; empty, too, your faith … and we are the most wretched of all men” (1 Corinthians 15:14-19). All the rest is only a consequence of this..
The crisis reveals that our societies, without knowing it, are suffering deeply from a spiritual evil: they do not know how to give meaning to suffering, finitude and death...
Knowing that God is not an vague force, but a being who loves us is something most folks used to know. And that means everything we do is a way to serve him. And when we confront evil, we know he is with us and ultimately he will make good come out of evil, if not in this world then in the next

And God works in the world by using those willing to cooperate...they are his hands.

and yes, God's hands are the health care workers helping those dying and risking their lives to do so. But they are also those who care for their loved ones at home, those cleaning the streets, those working on farms or in factories and even those who cannot work but can help the world through their prayers.

Every life has a meaning.

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