Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Family news

Busy at the farm.

The last two puppies will be taken to Joy's family's farm tomorrow. They are at the "cute" stage but not house trained and starting to chew on the legs of the furniture, so I'll be happy to see them off.

Our four dogs attacked Apa, the shaggy dog belonging to the secretary who is an outdoor dog but had come into their kitchen to eat. (we usually keep the door between the office side and the home side closed, but it was open for bringing in food).

we stopped the fight but not before Apa had torn the ear of our gentle dog Barry, who came in and bled all over our floor. I stopped the bleeding with a wet towel and figured he only needed pressure,  and when I went to fetch an elastic bandage, he got into the bedroom. So I bandaged his ear and we had to clean up the floor, then went to dinner since he was hiding under the bed where we have his sleeping rug.

After dinner, we came back to find his bandage off and blood all over my bed (he had never come up on the bed before, but hey, I wasn't there and it is soft). Sigh. Another bandage, another clean up. Today he is fine and I took the bandage off and no bleeding so far.

we have too many dogs partly because two of them were supposed to be given away and they weren't picked up, so now they are too old to give away (they will run back here even if we take them to the farm).

Oh well.

we are back in partial lockdown: and Manila is again in lockdown.

 School starts next week, and so I am being asked for school supply help. I'm not sure how much of the classes will be in person and how much will be on line: The mayor just announced cheap 50 peso Wifi to help.

the bad news: They have detected a new strain of covid in QC, which is part of Manila: it is no more fatal than the usual strain, but it is much more infectious. (superspreader).


Hence the desire to get the Russian vaccine trials started here as soon as possible.

to make things worse, there is a big scandal about PhilHealth.

stealing/diverting money? business as normal so I'm not really following what's going on.

related item:

LA Times has an editorial on the problem of science reporting being inaccurate.

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